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Forum for discussion of forestry & silviculture
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
How to find info on destruction of forest.
17-08-23 16:09
8 472
How long for a felling license.
17-08-23 12:32
48 2.4K
FOrest Crop Valuation
08-08-23 13:36
6 181
Is there any real indigenous forest left in Ireland?
04-08-23 6:44
11 1.4K
Another pest found in Ireland
26-07-23 17:40
16 1.1K
Irish Forestry Funds sell off by VEON
23-07-23 6:07
3 372
Forestry Books / Courses
23-07-23 6:05
3 121
Green Cert needed to inherit forestry?
17-07-23 17:55
0 121
How to go about selling old estate timber
08-07-23 0:39
7 431
Anyone use Greenbelt or other forestry service?
18-06-23 19:08
16 4.7K
Steel cladding
17-06-23 9:49
1 111
Is there much profit to be made in growing Christmas trees?
17-06-23 8:56
0 101
Best saw type for cutting logs and timbers
13-06-23 12:50
5 307
Forestry for Personal Recreation
30-05-23 11:28
0 101
Third Irish forestry fund. 12...89
18-05-23 22:48
428 95.6K
What’s the point of growing Alder?
18-05-23 15:15
17 1K
Pine Weevil
20-04-23 16:10
9 241
Forestry -BISS
20-04-23 15:22
0 61
Chainsaw gloves
06-04-23 7:02
3 440
Doing own forestry work
30-03-23 19:21
16 723
New Forestry Book
30-03-23 16:39
2 92
Chain Oil into petrol tank
28-03-23 9:07
2 142
Formative pruning
24-03-23 11:47
0 42
How to sell timber off 1 Acre of old pine
25-02-23 22:14
5 292
Sourcing logs for firewood
24-02-23 15:15
0 121
Accessing forestry via neighbour
20-02-23 18:05
6 401
Replanting - Predipped
20-02-23 18:00
3 91
Joint management consent tax/inheritance status.
20-02-23 17:56
0 21
Alder and mcpa
19-02-23 22:38
1 72
Stihl V Husqvarna
12-02-23 22:07
1 144