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Gaeilge (Irish)

Dia duit!
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
26-06-01 19:13
3 769
Ceol Gaelach
22-06-01 13:03
6 1.7K
Scrúdú anTeastais Shóisearaigh
19-06-01 23:50
14 1.4K
Gaeilge í scoil
11-06-01 21:30
14 2.1K
Sorry about that, didnt realise.
11-06-01 19:37
1 883
Translate or be snipped!
02-06-01 19:37
12 980
What's the use? 12
02-06-01 8:03
64 2.8K
Feidhm an mbord seo
31-05-01 15:10
3 1.4K
Irish in the LC
18-05-01 17:17
6 909
Some good links
14-05-01 15:49
1 1.1K
An bhfuil Moderator againn?
11-05-01 16:45
20 2.2K
08-05-01 19:16
7 1.7K
Question about Accents in Irish on Computers (in English)
04-05-01 8:47
6 1.8K
Níos mó daoine?
28-04-01 0:18
1 1.7K
ba mheath liom...
26-04-01 10:20
10 1.1K
Bóird íontach !
25-04-01 20:59
17 1.8K
i have my irish oral tomorrow
25-04-01 18:30
5 5.8K
An euro ag cuir amú as an seanfocal iontach
25-04-01 8:19
0 1.8K
Go h-an deas.
24-04-01 15:17
2 1.7K