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Game Development & Editing

A place for discussion of Game Development & Editing.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Best capture software
10-03-11 19:16
1 1.6K
Any1 making HL2 MODS? we can all download for free? :)
26-02-11 23:51
1 1.8K
QuArK for HL2
27-02-11 0:06
5 4K
Really Needed?
07-02-09 19:32
5 2.1K
Re-Skin a game
20-03-09 10:11
3 2.7K
My stuff!
07-01-10 18:10
7 2K
Game coding for kids
08-12-10 22:15
13 5.1K
What about a boardsie made game? 123
23-11-10 9:33
118 15.4K
Looking for tutorials for UT99
10-11-10 21:44
5 2.3K
Wiki for Call of Duty Modding and Mapping
08-10-10 23:52
1 1.9K
MAFIA 2 tweaks? lower graphics
06-10-10 15:18
0 86
Audiosurf Meme edit
27-09-10 14:43
0 1.4K
Got An Awful Urge To Make A Game...
16-07-10 23:01
5 2.1K
US Playstation 2 Games: they work on Irish consoles?
03-12-09 23:29
4 1.9K
Unreal Engine now Free!
15-11-09 12:41
2 1.7K
Dead Frontier - Custom FX
02-11-09 6:22
0 1.5K
Unity game engine is now free!!
30-10-09 1:27
1 1.5K
Any other game modder's out there?
30-07-09 17:01
2 1.7K
Seeking developers for a HL2 (Source engine) mod. Read this!
05-03-09 3:36
0 986
Making Maps in CoD4
20-02-09 20:00
2 1.6K
modifying flash games???
06-03-07 12:09
2 1.3K
Choosing a game engine
01-09-08 15:16
3 1.6K
Tomb raider
14-08-08 20:22
0 802
Source Code for Mario Teaches Typing
12-07-08 19:16
0 1.2K
Development in Source
05-06-08 8:34
2 1K
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Editing?
27-04-08 16:40
0 999
TF2 editing
02-04-08 9:11
2 789
NWN2 modding
25-02-08 14:56
1 709
PSP games?
28-02-08 14:58
0 624
Gears of War
25-02-08 14:56
0 645