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Game of Thrones

For discussion of the HBO Game of Thrones Series
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
GRRM Taking the Piss With Describing Food Bears Fruit
26-02-13 12:00
2 654
Season 2 Boxset
03-11-12 21:34
27 3.5K
Ser Ilyn Payne
10-01-13 13:12
3 1.7K
Which character has the TV series portrayed the best?
14-12-12 12:05
41 5.2K
Books v Tv show dilemma
05-01-13 9:03
27 2.9K
If you havent read ADWD please dont read **Spoilers** From the outset and throughout
31-01-13 9:56
50 4.9K
Good News Everyone!
06-02-13 20:23
5 737
Take the Black
06-02-13 12:20
0 431
Excerpt from The Winds Of Winter - possible spoilers - Book 6
09-01-13 21:50
22 2.4K
A Game of Thrones: Genesis
20-03-12 20:41
5 1.4K
Season 2 on Sky?
29-11-12 17:54
8 1.3K
Beyond the Wall: Exploring George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire
16-01-13 10:30
0 486
GoT Season 2 Vs. A Clash of Kings **Some BOOK 3 discussion SPOILERS**Mod note post #1
03-07-12 16:11
49 5.5K
Merry Christmas to all
25-12-12 0:27
5 787
Season 3 - Teaser
21-11-12 11:17
16 2.4K
Secret State
11-11-12 15:14
0 525
How are you watching Game of Thrones?
12-09-12 12:14
20 8.1K
Dominic West Rejects A Role 12
03-08-12 19:47
53 7.7K
Game of Thrones - 8-Bit RPG Season 2 Edition!
05-08-12 20:34
4 1.2K
Season 1 Blu Ray/DVD
29-02-12 14:31
33 4.5K
Game of Thrones computer game
10-06-12 11:51
20 3.3K
Mance Rayder has reportedly been cast, discuss
17-08-12 14:45
4 969
Season3 Information: Warning contains future character bios [See Mod Note post#1] 12
29-05-12 22:44
61 9.5K
The most shocking moments [SPOILERS AHOY]
02-08-12 9:04
8 1.3K
The Boltons *spoilers*
21-05-12 22:37
15 3.5K
new characters for season 3
08-06-12 12:55
13 4.2K
Season 2 re-runs
19-07-12 11:17
2 912
what to watch now until next season?
12-06-12 11:38
34 3.6K
Feast/Dance Megabook
17-07-12 13:31
7 1.2K
GOT humour
29-06-12 16:04
10 2.3K