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Tired of getting lost? Share and discuss all aspects of GPS and satellite navigation.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Free map Upgrades
28-07-12 22:49
0 475
Google Maps - A shedload of new data
19-07-12 23:31
6 1.6K
Advice on which sat nav to buy in America
24-07-12 8:34
22 2.3K
Want a new Sat Nav
18-07-12 23:01
3 841
Lose the will to live when doing annual map update on Garmin Nuvi 310
18-07-12 10:48
3 1.6K
Two Generalised Garmin/Navteq Navigation Issues
27-09-10 22:02
9 1.8K
Tomtom Go 740
18-07-12 8:35
3 579
Website to get GPS coordinates
09-01-09 22:28
14 16K
Garmin Nuvi 250W Acquiring Satellites
07-06-12 9:40
2 1.5K
Usual beginner's question...GPS recommendation?
07-07-12 12:24
6 933
map of Mexico
06-07-12 14:45
0 377
Shouldnt GPS be illegal?
27-06-12 10:33
8 1.3K
Across mass of water
27-06-12 21:15
10 897
Sat Nav Question
03-07-12 20:38
9 894
Sat Nav for European Use
29-06-12 19:00
11 1.3K
Google Maps Available Offline for Android Phones
28-06-12 1:24
1 681
Putting maps on the SD card
24-06-12 11:12
0 415
Garmin Route Planner - Disagrees with everyone else
18-06-12 21:04
1 620
The War of the Maps
07-06-12 8:38
8 1.3K
uploading new maps
02-06-12 17:19
3 1.1K
Sat Nav actin up.!
29-05-12 11:12
4 700
Selling car with built-in TomTom
09-06-12 1:47
4 705
Sat Nav maps for Israel?
03-04-08 23:41
7 5.4K
Garmin "Lifetime Updater" Problems
13-05-12 15:23
5 3.5K
New TomTom
31-05-12 15:20
3 657
Skobbler offline
31-05-12 9:01
0 490
19-05-12 11:25
8 1.5K
TomTom maps version 8.90 now available
23-05-12 18:47
0 1.2K
Viewing GPX tracks on a netbook
19-05-12 14:23
0 411
Mio 689 prob
15-05-12 21:54
5 707