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History & Heritage

Irish and world history and heritage matters.

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Discussion of genealogy and help in searching for Irish ancestry.
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House occupancy before 1850s
19-04-22 %k:03
6 221
The take over of the Four Courts 14 April 1922
14-04-22 %k:44
0 41
Time Team returns on Youtube
18-03-22 %k:32
3 41
Last vestiges of serfdom in Ireland?
09-03-22 %k:02
2 184
English Journal/Magazine/Newspaper supplement called 'Occasional Papers'
08-03-22 %k:09
5 41
America never fully abolished slavery?
07-03-22 %k:59
24 1K
Civil War in Cork
05-03-22 %k:14
1 31
How many civilians did the IRA kill in the war of independence
24-02-22 %k:05
16 261
Help with feature on historic 6" map
18-02-22 %k:16
1 61
Irish speakers in the Irish Freestate
17-02-22 %k:28
45 2.3K
16-02-22 %k:58
25 1.9K
Cavan - Longford Rail line.
15-02-22 %k:31
2 41
Was Lord Mountbatten (the Queen's cousin) a paedophile 12
13-02-22 %k:53
93 2.9K
Kodak Ireland Photo Agency
10-02-22 %k:37
0 21
Old pictures from Dublin Schools c. 1930
09-02-22 %k:53
16 502
Glasnevin memorial wall to be removed
06-02-22 %k:54
3 141
Might be of interest
01-02-22 %k:24
3 71
IRB & Irish Volunteers 1916 Questions
29-01-22 %k:52
2 51
Particular photo of O'Connell Street, circa 1930s/1940s
08-01-22 %k:35
2 61
Do you need help with researching an individual's Irish War of Independence activities?
07-01-22 %k:22
2 141
Identity of unknown building on 18th century map
07-01-22 %k:42
17 461
2021 History books / material recommendations
24-12-21 %k:21
3 51
Irelands Great War Archive.
30-11-21 %k:46
2 51
Compiling Roll of Honour, War Dead Monument, or Memorial Wall.
30-11-21 %k:31
10 712
Blueshirt members
30-11-21 %k:25
41 3.6K
Favourite Historical Films
29-11-21 %k:42
7 228
What if Ireland had not been neutral during WW2? 1234
26-11-21 %k:56
156 5.5K
History Humour
21-11-21 %k:36
21 4.8K
I didnt vote for it, so please help me get out of here. Foreign Birth Advice Required.
05-11-21 %k:51
8 361
Eircom Phone Boxes
26-10-21 %k:22
1 41