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G W Bush
29-05-03 9:32
3 344
What are the odds??
28-05-03 14:46
7 600
Laws of cartoon motion
28-05-03 10:30
1 314
What a gentleman!!!!!
28-05-03 10:06
18 1K
Hilarious Cybersex
27-05-03 8:36
9 655
Dont go in it's not workin...:o(
27-05-03 8:18
9 527
The Monk
27-05-03 4:18
29 1.2K
British Airways
26-05-03 23:25
4 620
Australian Palm Pilot
26-05-03 22:53
6 480
The Phone Call
26-05-03 19:57
11 933
Only the IRISH.....;o)
26-05-03 19:40
5 572
oldie but goodie
26-05-03 11:57
4 452
Will the real saddam please stand up!!
26-05-03 11:41
3 332
funny newspaper headlines
25-05-03 18:34
2 581
What's the difference between a duck ?
25-05-03 15:32
2 477
Very funny chat logs
25-05-03 15:30
1 476
Decent site
24-05-03 22:25
1 365
Irish Optimism
24-05-03 21:22
14 704
Stella awards-copo like!
24-05-03 13:20
8 655
THIS will have u pi$$in urself laughing i promise u! (Adult only) ;0)
24-05-03 12:39
2 360
If Men Ran The World...
24-05-03 12:15
14 674
Tax Collectors Theme Song
24-05-03 7:16
3 347
Earning his keep at the RSPCA
24-05-03 7:12
5 503
The Hormone Warning:
24-05-03 7:11
1 482
why cows hate winter
24-05-03 7:07
2 332
amazing opptical illusion
24-05-03 4:17
23 866
santa? a physicist's view
23-05-03 20:58
6 435
Freaky test
23-05-03 16:49
18 594
Things you know because of TV...
23-05-03 15:41
11 803
Swedish Stag Night
23-05-03 11:07
7 656