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Campaigning for affordable, unmetered and broadband internet access in Ireland.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Eircom To peddle pseudo offpeak flatrate
05-09-02 12:46
5 558
EircomTribunal web site launched 123
05-09-02 9:31
71 7.1K
Christ, even The Register is at it!
05-09-02 0:03
8 924
Oh Yeah
04-09-02 20:34
1 434
Meanwhile, Errorcom goes bye-bye.
04-09-02 19:19
9 681
Eircom are Systematic Liars - Its Official
04-09-02 13:43
1 685
Regulations 'disincentive to investment' says Eircom chief
03-09-02 21:41
9 718
Esatclear No Limits still active!
03-09-02 16:21
16 1.2K
sunday business post discussion group
03-09-02 12:26
0 345
Who is
03-09-02 0:26
9 710
final stages flatrate
02-09-02 21:54
12 1.4K
leap 3 rock
02-09-02 16:33
1 426
Eircom makes 52 M loss after restructuring and write down.
02-09-02 12:56
3 599
Today with Philip Bouchier Hayes on Radio 1 getting interested 12
02-09-02 10:58
53 3.3K
24 hour net now - How?
01-09-02 19:27
2 522
Broadband could generate $500bn a year
01-09-02 17:06
10 632
Another win at the ASAI
01-09-02 11:41
9 704
I'm doing my bit (at last!)
31-08-02 23:33
5 489
esatbt flatrate ..again i guess
31-08-02 18:31
27 1.6K
What can I do?
31-08-02 7:41
2 414
31-08-02 5:20
29 1.5K
Indo: IBEC call for better broadband pricing
30-08-02 16:29
8 805
Regulators Warn That EU Regulations Could Harm Liberalisation
30-08-02 16:24
4 374
Adrian Kenedy Show ? :E
30-08-02 13:41
7 792
Few of us out in Cork tonight
30-08-02 6:54
1 599
Let's seal it for e-Ireland
29-08-02 12:52
15 1.3K
Shannon Development Wants To Appoint a Ratcatcher.
29-08-02 10:18
2 499
Its time to be realistic
28-08-02 23:16
6 580
[UK] Broadband - 'We know you want it'
28-08-02 10:32
3 530
Public Forum on Sports Broadcasting
28-08-02 4:13
1 413