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Campaigning for affordable, unmetered and broadband internet access in Ireland.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Welsh Broadband Funding
15-07-02 16:37
1 414
less then a week to go and not work on the location or time of the agm
15-07-02 1:01
9 617
Ireland Offline AGM reminder
15-07-02 1:01
2 409
Interesting articles in Irish Times today
13-07-02 19:38
6 1.1K
Todays Times Business supplement- Terrible news
13-07-02 15:38
15 1.1K
Asai I
13-07-02 14:36
9 699
Responce to no Flat rate from GOV
12-07-02 21:47
6 780
NTL finally replied
12-07-02 9:31
1 420
Korea - The Bandwidth Capital of the World
12-07-02 3:42
2 591
IOFFL's trip to Brussels
12-07-02 0:18
2 604
UK: Broadband providers back need for speed
11-07-02 22:35
2 372
Ireland joins the flat rate society
11-07-02 22:01
23 2K
Beam.. Confirmation of a 100k service
10-07-02 23:21
19 1.4K
Broadband Evangelism 12
10-07-02 21:25
35 1.7K
lol adsl with esat works out cheaper then my 56k & it has no caps
10-07-02 15:41
6 719
wireless networks with net access
10-07-02 13:32
3 416
Our E-minister
10-07-02 12:42
22 1.1K
Eircom's figures just don't add up (to me) for hi-speed. Another one for ASAI?
10-07-02 10:38
11 957
Who is still on the original Adsl trials
09-07-02 23:20
2 482
ADSL in Howth/Sutton
09-07-02 22:52
2 499
Connection speeds
09-07-02 21:17
11 512
Orbit Offering Satellite Access To All
09-07-02 18:45
3 518
Flat rate rumours ?
09-07-02 17:23
25 954
Commission aim for fast internet access is failing
09-07-02 14:59
6 438
Chorus sets cable Internet launch date
09-07-02 8:15
16 2K
Who is head of eircom?
09-07-02 7:27
7 1.5K
Tiscali lobs LLU brickbats at EU
08-07-02 15:21
0 361
FAQ? A little advice...
08-07-02 10:26
2 617
Why no AOL in Ireland?
07-07-02 8:22
13 1K
Eircon "engineers" too slow? Do it yourself!
06-07-02 15:30
1 694