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Campaigning for affordable, unmetered and broadband internet access in Ireland.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Three megabyte cable anyone? Oh, sorry, we live in Ireland...
06-07-02 14:21
19 910
EC Gets tough with telecommunications.
05-07-02 23:36
11 808
BT expands its Broadband Horizons to try and meet customer needs UK-Wide
05-07-02 19:02
1 334
Chorus, its likely fate
05-07-02 15:16
0 307
letter in post from Eircom requesting 'feedback' oh I'll give it to them alright.
05-07-02 12:22
3 559
Magically working ADSL...
05-07-02 12:19
6 717
IOFFL AGM and a whole lot more.
05-07-02 10:06
29 2.1K
Eircom US
04-07-02 23:03
4 425
Esat moves closer to flat-rate Internet
04-07-02 16:45
7 857
"Our friends" at ESAT ?
04-07-02 10:44
9 630
Cork plays host to internet conference
03-07-02 13:55
1 424
Vampyre brings bad news
03-07-02 10:24
7 580
Irish WAN
03-07-02 0:12
7 2.6K
Sky-net signs wireless technology deal
02-07-02 22:24
0 356
Spreading the word about the survey!
02-07-02 20:55
16 861
NTL update - Not Good News
02-07-02 18:10
2 521
It brings a tear to my eye when...
02-07-02 17:57
1 448
Bad Statistics
02-07-02 11:43
8 502
skybooster woes
02-07-02 11:26
5 331
Lobby group takes flat-rate fight to EU
02-07-02 10:11
5 605
Massive fraud uncovered at WorldCom
01-07-02 16:57
2 499
Chorus & Broadband
01-07-02 16:18
16 862
BT announce new wireless scheme for rural areas
01-07-02 16:08
0 330
Eircom: No need for new players (SBPost)
01-07-02 9:36
9 930
Todays Tribune, Please read
30-06-02 21:05
2 463
Esat doin a flat rate
30-06-02 21:01
29 1.4K
membership errcom >> esat POLL
30-06-02 20:24
10 608
EU usage barometer.
30-06-02 20:07
0 586
Leap Broadband
30-06-02 18:48
7 937
The Irish Times Business This Week Supplement, Friday, June 28, 2002
30-06-02 16:26
14 888