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Campaigning for affordable, unmetered and broadband internet access in Ireland.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Perspective on flat rate
23-06-02 20:25
10 884
Time for a change of tactics ... maby? 12
23-06-02 18:29
46 1.4K
Report out from National Digital Media conference, at which IOFFL spoke....
23-06-02 0:08
0 401
Eircom advertising net access at 59c per day
22-06-02 19:06
7 670
Esat Dates for Cork!!
22-06-02 15:45
12 619
IOFFL attending Fine Gael regional consultation forum.
22-06-02 3:38
2 359
Oireachtas Debate: Information Society
21-06-02 13:56
14 558
Esat Links To BT / US ISP Love-In / BT Thumped
21-06-02 13:11
1 401
We are not alone.
21-06-02 6:54
2 616
Take a bow, Eircom!
21-06-02 2:08
18 940
Eircom: what a complete bunch of greedy ba$tards!
20-06-02 23:47
20 1K
Congrats to Broadband for Britian
20-06-02 17:16
3 449
Hanafin, Information Society Minister addresses British-Irish Council in Jersey
20-06-02 16:44
3 352
Dr. Philip Nolan's response to Dempsey re net value
20-06-02 15:00
26 1.5K
Recent British Irish Council meeting on the knowledge economy
20-06-02 13:29
0 470
Lodge an official complaint on ADSL prices 123
20-06-02 0:53
78 4.2K
Ireland of the rip-offs exposed by new survey
20-06-02 0:34
13 903
IOFFL meeting UTV Internet - Wednesday
19-06-02 19:27
14 1.1K
Galway ADSL
19-06-02 17:20
2 370
How about this for service from Eircom?
19-06-02 16:47
10 696
BT to map Broadband demand
19-06-02 13:30
20 758
The Official IOFFL Survey
19-06-02 9:16
5 523
IOFFL to meet with the ISC
18-06-02 17:41
0 343
EU planning to take over spectrum licensing...
18-06-02 11:15
5 462
Leap in the news again
18-06-02 10:19
7 564
Eircom could lose its international links by Monday
18-06-02 10:04
14 784
Sky booster/europeonline
17-06-02 23:55
0 388
Fine Gael Spokesperson for The Information Society
17-06-02 15:27
8 430
Whens the next Ioffl Seminar
16-06-02 19:38
4 386
Rates for ESAT ADSL?
16-06-02 15:55
23 1.3K