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Campaigning for affordable, unmetered and broadband internet access in Ireland.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Another Communications Bill Omission Highlighted
28-05-02 11:46
0 426
Intel pushing for Broadband
28-05-02 10:47
3 364
National Competitiveness Council: Call for E-minister
27-05-02 21:09
3 794
Sunday Business Post: Getting our wires crossed
27-05-02 19:49
8 676
NTL ungrading network
27-05-02 19:05
2 445
have a laugh (enn)
25-05-02 1:37
12 847
Meeting with Local TD (Tom Kitt)
24-05-02 19:10
6 568
B-DSL - satellite internet for ?50 a month
24-05-02 5:42
23 1.5K
Galway ADSL
23-05-02 10:14
29 1.6K
The real price to eircom for DSL
23-05-02 3:45
14 908
Ireland wide broadband coverage
22-05-02 18:25
6 704
Policy on Internet Access and Broadband in Ireland
22-05-02 17:26
7 783
Replies from TDs/Communications with TDs
22-05-02 14:56
22 1.4K
Eircom Live - internal newsletter articles
22-05-02 9:18
3 841
Q about eircom policy
22-05-02 7:57
1 311
Has anyone seen this shower of ....
22-05-02 2:49
2 479
Esat's Murphy : "We are staying and we are going to fight in this market"
21-05-02 20:31
10 695
Ownership of cabling in apartment blocks
21-05-02 19:04
7 580
American Chamber of Commerce pushes for broadband in Ireland
21-05-02 12:54
0 472
Eircom DSL
21-05-02 12:26
16 846
Flat rate:How Much Does It Cost the ISP?
20-05-02 18:32
5 547
All trialists say goodbye
20-05-02 17:02
30 1.3K
Were you called by Sean Ardagh last night?
20-05-02 12:07
9 961
ICT Outlines Information & Comunications Recommendations
18-05-02 17:15
9 678
Politicians comments added to IOFFL site
18-05-02 14:41
0 326
BT to donates 800 broadband connections
18-05-02 14:25
2 323
Irish Times: Home Net users pay high price for link-up
18-05-02 11:53
14 991
"Derry/Letterkenny corridor WAN"
18-05-02 10:49
3 1.1K
Who will get the job done?
18-05-02 4:08
19 660
Terms & Conditions?
17-05-02 17:53
11 798