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Campaigning for affordable, unmetered and broadband internet access in Ireland.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
IIA Infrastructure Debate 2nd May 2002
20-04-02 13:09
5 677
Irish Times DSL story
19-04-02 22:49
20 1.3K
Telco licence fines hiked by 400pc
19-04-02 15:59
4 448
Flat rate in 6-8 months ???
19-04-02 14:53
10 692
Communications (Regulation) Bill, 2002
19-04-02 14:07
23 1.5K
next plan of action?
19-04-02 2:58
4 398
suggestion for work group
18-04-02 20:31
2 498
Communications Bill - Ends on Thursday... 12
18-04-02 19:50
37 2.9K
Eircom ADSL number ?????
18-04-02 18:59
3 522
Eircom DSL Costs. 12
18-04-02 18:53
44 1.7K
Eircom to respond on Gareth's show today: 3.50 p.m., 2FM!
18-04-02 18:36
29 3.4K
Come On Betsy! Come On!! Go Go Go!
18-04-02 15:06
0 359
Ordering DSL?
18-04-02 13:10
2 357
ODTR drops court case and more
18-04-02 9:33
30 1.5K
2FM: Gareth O' Callaghan
18-04-02 0:12
2 783
The Retail Price
17-04-02 22:36
9 574
2FM's Gareth O'Callaghan on the case
17-04-02 20:24
12 790
ENN: At long last, broadband hits Ireland
17-04-02 18:43
3 747
Good and Bad
17-04-02 18:12
17 1.1K
That 'eircon' website...
17-04-02 16:14
3 609
Eircom reducing IDSN charges
17-04-02 14:06
2 372
NTL expands cable broadband
17-04-02 10:58
15 896
Several telecom operators threaten to leave IBEC
16-04-02 22:48
4 731
Ireland Offline run a candidate? :D
16-04-02 22:27
10 595
Protest: Please Read.
16-04-02 21:59
0 306
Forfas: Broadband Investment in Ireland. Review of Progress and Policy Requirements
16-04-02 19:23
4 745
Phase One: 'Knowledge.'
16-04-02 16:49
5 396
Pre-Phase: 1 - 'Ability.'
16-04-02 16:40
7 515
NTL to re'capitalise itself'
16-04-02 16:21
6 567
Number of calls limit by esat
16-04-02 15:19
7 2.9K