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Campaigning for affordable, unmetered and broadband internet access in Ireland.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Does anyone know ???
16-04-02 12:59
1 610
Government drafts bold e-Ireland plans
16-04-02 11:03
11 807
Looking at 'New Connections'
16-04-02 10:20
2 573
other isps with adsl
16-04-02 8:31
5 495
Eircom : "Hahaah we r sux0r @ advertising, mousies r0x0r!"
16-04-02 4:12
6 552
Something definitely happening! 123
16-04-02 2:56
67 3K
Should Government introduce:- A New Internet access "Public Utility" service, ?...
16-04-02 1:15
6 505
ODTR Meeting Report: 9th of April 2002
16-04-02 1:13
4 1.1K
Broadband in the UK 'suddenly taking off'
15-04-02 23:16
6 428
Unmetered Internet Access - " A NEW POLITICAL - "LINE/QUESTION ??...
15-04-02 22:52
3 506
Blew my top.
15-04-02 21:49
11 508
What about UTV internet??
15-04-02 20:04
5 496
Monopoly to be re-instated???
15-04-02 19:23
22 1.2K
This could be bad news
15-04-02 14:16
1 430
Talked to Alan Shatter tonight
15-04-02 10:00
25 1.4K
DSL or Flatrate?
14-04-02 21:56
26 1.3K
Looking in PC Live
14-04-02 21:40
3 389
IO Featured In Sunday Tribune- 14/04/02
14-04-02 17:41
7 716
What areas are likely to get DSL first/last?
14-04-02 17:32
6 540
BT: Evening and Weekend calls are now free!
14-04-02 12:52
14 876
IOFFL to speak at National Digital Media Conference
13-04-02 23:18
4 430
New - Suggestion to Lobbying Group. 12
13-04-02 21:51
37 1.4K
General election
13-04-02 21:13
11 566
France Telecom Reduce DSL prices. (€25 for 512k)
13-04-02 21:00
18 1.2K
DSL or Flat-Rate 56k?
13-04-02 20:06
8 389
IOFFL meeting with Forfás.
13-04-02 16:11
5 533
Eircom wasting more money that could be better spent elsewhere!
13-04-02 15:22
4 535
IIA Annual Conference.
12-04-02 10:30
0 445
Broadband article in the Examiner Thursday
12-04-02 1:22
0 505
IOFFL: Report of meeting with the Department of Public Enterprise.
11-04-02 23:04
15 1.6K