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Leaving Cert

Secondary school leaving certificate.

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Careers and Job Discussion

Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.

Leaving Cert Study Logs

Track your studying, or procrastinating, until exam time.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
17-12-16 10:29
1 445
ag science 2016/17
02-11-16 18:30
2 589
Looking for mock papers/LC notes
26-10-16 23:26
6 1K
2017 Timetable
15-12-16 10:50
1 623
Mocks 2016 ***No Requests, use the Search button! READ FIRST POST before posting!*** 12...45
12-01-16 22:54
214 517.1K
Struggling with HL English?!?
06-12-16 7:40
3 860
Higher level or pass for leaving cert
14-11-16 21:34
3 1.9K
Leaving cert music
05-12-16 17:52
5 818
Music Practical
07-12-16 17:23
0 455
Anyone else feeling like this about the leaving?
22-11-16 16:07
8 1.6K
Part-time Jobs
30-12-15 0:09
2 1K
HL LC Maths/Spanish grinds in Gort area ?
20-09-15 19:28
2 761
Irish exemptions?
28-11-16 21:03
5 1.1K
27-11-16 9:42
4 1.2K
CAO HELP!!!!!!!!
01-12-16 20:18
1 549
Leaving Cert study tips.
24-11-16 18:40
2 845
Help I am in leaving cert.advice on studying after christmas
30-11-16 21:10
2 644
Evaluate my Waterfall essay
01-12-16 18:54
1 665
College grants
12-09-15 19:55
18 2.2K
Continuous assessment discussion
29-11-16 17:49
0 344
What's french like in college?
25-11-16 19:10
9 1.3K
Points Drop for courses in 2017
27-11-16 21:02
2 703
LC sraithpictuir question
05-09-16 18:40
6 1.4K
Leaving Cert Subject Choice
17-11-16 18:35
3 574
7 or 6 subjects for LC?
16-11-16 18:35
7 765
College course help?
15-11-16 15:12
1 432
High School
14-11-16 20:08
1 525
Lc Maths
12-11-16 16:01
3 464
Going from OL maths to HL maths
14-11-16 20:07
1 438
French HL Urgent Help Needed
04-11-16 15:10
7 719