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Leaving Cert

Secondary school leaving certificate.

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Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.

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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
!! The Leaving Cert 2016 - discussion & aftermath 12
17-06-16 20:03
91 10.2K
If you repeat the LC can you get the dole?
22-06-16 13:36
24 1.9K
Irish bonus points for applied maths?
24-06-16 17:00
46 3.3K
Should I repeat the leaving cert for the third time or do fetac???
22-06-16 17:02
12 1.3K
Trinity: Nanoscience. I don't do chemistry.
24-06-16 9:58
6 500
!! Religion LC '16 - discussion & aftermath
23-06-16 14:54
3 265
CAO/ College offers process. Help
23-06-16 17:45
9 536
Guidelines for LC Music practical?
21-06-16 18:17
9 1.6K
!! DCG 2016
21-06-16 10:45
37 1.7K
!! German LC '16 - Predictions, guesses, discussion, aftermath etc.
16-06-16 14:17
23 1.4K
!! Economics 2016 ... predictions, guesses and discussion.
17-06-16 12:50
40 3.6K
!! Music HL 2016 - Predictions, guesses,discussion etc.
20-06-16 13:40
3 501
Should I do Economics?
21-06-16 12:46
8 545
!! Spanish HL 2016 ... predictions, guesses and discussion.
18-06-16 8:19
10 854
Should I repeat the leaving cert?
06-06-16 12:43
19 2.5K
Economics dropping to ordinary level
21-06-16 13:58
2 227
Doing the leaving cert from home?
20-06-16 23:02
9 712
!! Physics HL LC '16 - Predictions, guesses, discussion, etc. 1234
10-06-16 22:42
186 11.9K
!! Accounting HL 2016 - discussion & aftermath 12
16-06-16 19:47
59 5.5K
International Hotel Management/ Tourism Management
20-06-16 19:52
0 166
Improving From Mock Results?
18-06-16 20:55
4 678
How are leaving cert results distributed to schools?
19-06-16 15:34
2 595
!! History HL 2016 - Predictions, discussion, aftermath
14-06-16 16:16
33 3.1K
Ag science 2016 ... predictions, guesses and discussion.
18-06-16 23:00
1 334
Transition from TY to 5th year
17-06-16 22:04
3 355
leaving cert OL accounting predictions
19-06-16 12:17
0 106
Lost leaving cert student
18-06-16 17:19
11 1.1K
HL Maths: D3 + 25 points = C1??
18-06-16 0:24
3 492
Particle physics question?
18-06-16 16:28
2 298
17-06-16 18:59
2 586