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Leaving Cert

Secondary school leaving certificate.

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Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
LC Subject Choice Business V's Computer Science
19-08-20 5:58
3 524
Leaving cert in homeschool
02-09-20 19:52
1 344
Studyclix Leaving Cert Irish (HL) any use?
04-09-20 14:02
0 206
Looking for any Leaving Certs who studied European Languages for LC 2020!!!
27-08-20 17:37
3 377
Has anyone switched languages for LC?
22-08-20 13:22
2 331
LC subject advice?
07-08-20 22:41
5 579
How are people feeling about the predicted grades now the English and Scottish system
13-08-20 16:19
2 401
Leaving cert results from 2008
30-07-20 9:32
2 360
Looking For Alaska
24-03-10 22:06
4 845
Any theories on how Leaving Cert 2021 will work?
20-07-20 10:33
4 670
Repeating the Leaving Cert
19-07-20 22:59
5 656
COVID Gap Year
26-05-20 15:57
15 1.6K
Your Junior cert results compared to Leaving cert
23-06-20 20:23
4 890
Maths Question
15-07-20 16:09
7 317
GAMSAT vs Leaving Cert/HPAT for Medicine
09-07-20 11:35
1 834
Which LC subjects don't have projects / coursework?
01-07-20 13:30
3 1.1K
Sutton Park School - is it good?
23-06-20 16:26
2 1.5K
LC - Maths, additional 25 points for B3 and higher - apply retroactively?
19-06-20 22:09
3 425
Written exam
10-06-20 19:02
2 450
Irish and NUIs
11-06-20 10:26
0 207
What happens if someone knows your exam number?
29-05-20 11:09
3 726
what book for lc home ec?
29-05-20 9:30
2 280
re plan the leaving cert for august
24-05-20 18:43
31 2.2K
Where to buy secondhand Leaving Cert maths books?
27-05-20 17:09
4 314
How do you opt in for predicted grades after you confirm your level
26-05-20 10:50
1 354
Agricultural Economics Question
24-05-20 16:19
2 248
Leaving Cert 2020 arrangements due to COVID-19 123
18-03-20 23:54
121 17.3K
How important is the junior cert in the predicted grades process
16-05-20 7:51
8 721
Will LC be reformed after this year's crisis?
12-05-20 22:49
5 580
Revise 3 key scenes from Philadelphia Here I Come.
11-05-20 13:30
0 321