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Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender

LGBT issues.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
11-10-22 %k:02
3 141
How does the Dublin area feel for trans people?
22-09-22 %k:34
1 391
20-09-22 %k:54
16 971
Am I over reacting here?
15-09-22 %k:58
0 431
shy straight guy looking for dressing services
04-09-22 %k:04
9 6.7K
The 2021/22 Eye Candy Thread
28-08-22 %k:44
30 2.5K
Looking for the right place
28-08-22 %k:47
4 471
Pre-Marriage Course
25-08-22 %k:25
16 521
Navigating a FWB Scenario
24-08-22 %k:58
4 301
Monkeypox Virus and Being Careful
10-08-22 %k:59
1 311
Date with a colleague
09-08-22 %k:51
5 521
Fancy my gay mate - don’t know what to do
31-07-22 %k:28
16 1.1K
So what celebrities or Sports men or Women do you wish or think might be gay, lesbian or Trans?
30-07-22 %k:41
0 131
Safe Lesbian Sex
30-07-22 %k:33
3 2.2K
Bi sex gay accom
18-07-22 %k:53
3 421
I am Homosexual
16-07-22 %k:42
8 581
Nick McCarthy of Leinster Rugby comes out as gay
11-07-22 %k:23
2 271
Are you comfortable with your partner being very close with an ex?
09-07-22 %k:21
3 211
Bottoming for Anal
28-06-22 %k:24
3 1.5K
Pride Weekend Event - The Master Thread
28-06-22 %k:58
7 231
Happy Pride Month 2022!
09-06-22 %k:41
16 271
Top vs Bottom Debate
09-06-22 %k:52
23 1.9K
Mens Group in Dublin
05-06-22 %k:15
1 392
Am I still bi?
31-05-22 %k:15
37 2.7K
JK Rowling 1234
01-05-22 %k:57
172 5.7K
The Burke Family from Mayo
24-04-22 %k:51
22 22.2K
Homophobic attack on Dame Street on Sunday April 10
12-04-22 %k:24
0 181
Is being active on Grindr while dating someone normal?
10-04-22 %k:06
35 13.5K
hair and/or makeup and treatments (facials, waxing, etc) place in galway?
27-03-22 %k:14
0 71
Is the gay dating scene getting worse or is it just me? 12
25-03-22 %k:00
58 3.4K