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Tom Clancy anyone? 12
27-06-01 16:32
42 987
best book "ann and barry" or "tara and ben"?
24-06-01 11:24
5 1.1K
Lets write a non spam and muppet story! 12
22-06-01 10:51
52 926
Will Self rips Richard Littlejohn a new one...
17-06-01 0:27
2 790
bugler's book buy
17-06-01 0:03
2 346
Lets write a non spam and muppet story! - Discussion
14-06-01 10:01
11 621
Anybody ever read ..
12-06-01 9:51
0 279
New SF authors?
10-06-01 23:06
6 585
bookpublishing news (09/06/01)
09-06-01 7:51
0 376
Your favourate scene from a book 12
08-06-01 4:09
42 848
where to start?
02-06-01 23:02
6 362
bookpublishing news (02/06/01)
02-06-01 13:35
1 420
The point is up there, her head is down here
01-06-01 13:51
1 311
Theif of Time (26th Discworld book)
31-05-01 15:51
8 445
Let's write a story 1234
31-05-01 11:40
104 1.5K
Douglas Adams dies of heart attack :(
30-05-01 13:36
12 523
bookpublishing news (26/05/01)
26-05-01 7:53
0 374
Your Favourite Author ? 12
24-05-01 17:06
43 876
What do you think of Arthur C. Clarke
22-05-01 18:10
12 644
Any budding authors among us?
19-05-01 22:25
23 801
bookpublishing news (19/05/01)
19-05-01 7:54
0 257
18-05-01 19:01
4 429
Dragon Lance, the saga(s) continue
16-05-01 18:52
9 363
16-05-01 13:43
2 298
Fantasy/Sci Fi Magazine
12-05-01 20:38
0 342
bookpublishing news (12/05/01)
12-05-01 7:55
0 308
Ok someone help me out here.
11-05-01 23:12
5 315
Any one else love biographys and autobiographyss
09-05-01 10:34
2 300
anyone recommend new books...?
09-05-01 0:51
6 540
Thief of Time
08-05-01 11:21
0 298