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How long before Paperback version of book will be released.
01-09-18 9:28
2 270
Cold war book recommendations
26-02-18 21:52
5 477
Literature magazines
03-08-18 23:26
0 163
Cork City Book Fair - Saturday 18th August 2018
30-07-18 18:22
0 117
Looking for an Irish book
13-07-18 12:20
3 266
What was the most expensive book that you have bought.
28-09-17 13:05
15 1.5K
A Question About The Man In The Iron Mask
04-07-18 11:50
6 328
Quick question re: Fantastic Beasts and Where to find them
30-06-18 12:58
2 178
Beckett poem
01-07-18 18:40
0 115
Looking for plays
25-01-15 12:22
2 557
13-06-11 15:58
3 729
Uploading An E Book: How And Where?
10-06-18 14:57
0 175
Hopkins does Lear on BBC
04-06-18 20:36
0 178
‘Great Aunt Jane - A Family Perspective’
22-05-18 12:21
1 169
Dictator - Robert Harris
03-05-18 11:32
1 205
Looking for book
17-04-18 17:18
0 235
I done a book about Cork.
04-07-17 8:15
1 729
Kindle unlimited for non fiction?
20-02-18 13:29
1 247
First person reading.
24-02-18 18:36
19 1.2K
Novel Released last year, cant remember the name or author
20-02-18 11:48
2 290
Online book stores that deliver with An Post?
27-11-17 18:35
5 640
Best public library in Dublin?
30-01-18 15:55
1 630
I need help identifying a story please
26-01-18 18:35
2 346
Children’s book- king Ferdia
25-01-18 18:30
0 219
Tribute to Ursula Le Guin
24-01-18 8:26
0 289
29th TCD Annual Secondhand Booksale - 20th/22nd Feb.2018
22-01-18 18:56
0 294
Can someone help me with WB Yeats poem title?
18-01-18 20:13
5 485
Book recommendations for a non-reader
13-07-17 9:17
19 1.7K
Anyone know this book?
11-12-17 1:15
3 413
Looking for a book!
28-04-07 15:41
6 2K