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Long Term Illness

This forum is for the discussion of issues related to long term illness.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Lump on testicle
18-11-07 20:15
4 1.3K
sharps disposal
08-11-07 20:20
4 944
Depression and PTSD treatment
28-09-07 13:07
19 2K
Coping Mechanisms.
02-11-07 20:07
10 1.1K
Diabetes Blood Sugar Levels
09-05-07 18:49
18 8.5K
Breast lump
05-11-07 19:39
11 1.3K
Why won't anyone diagnose me!
25-06-07 20:36
9 2.4K
Pumping Insulin - Clinics treat u like an adult?
01-11-07 9:19
0 677
Local Pharmacies withdrawing from HSE dispensing schemes
23-10-07 6:20
0 112
property ladder
20-08-07 19:31
5 902
Medical card
01-10-07 22:35
2 1.7K
11-10-07 13:56
0 140
Dietry Modification
11-10-07 13:56
0 49
Complete loss of use in all limbs.
10-10-07 12:57
1 1.4K
My son David (RTE)
05-09-07 9:55
6 1.1K
Glucophage treatment - free?
17-07-07 13:26
10 1.4K
HIV & dealing with
10-09-07 20:24
2 1.4K
Hashimotos Thyroiditis
09-08-07 12:49
4 1.2K
Diabetes, Mental Effects
16-09-07 15:19
3 974
19-09-07 17:45
0 912
[Diabetes] Pig cell transplant
17-09-07 9:03
2 644
[Cancer]Dealing with side effects from chemo
17-09-07 3:36
1 1.1K
Myasthenia Gravis
15-09-07 20:33
0 808
Potential infertility after cancer.
15-09-07 18:26
0 828
[Cancer/General] - Going back to work after a year away.
14-08-07 10:19
6 1.5K
[Diabetes] How many low blood sugars do you have and do you notice them coming?
04-09-07 10:04
20 1.6K
Can you buy cheap asthma inhalers over the internet?
08-08-07 15:06
11 8.1K
Experience with diuretics.
04-09-07 13:07
0 678
04-09-07 10:22
0 737
Pilonidal sinus
03-09-07 11:45
1 1.5K