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NI & GB Colleges

A forum for colleges in Nothern Ireland & the Great Britain
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MSc. Political Psychology: Queens University Belfast, Insights?
12-07-13 17:44
0 979
Studying Nursing in Scotland - fees?
01-07-13 11:43
2 1.3K
Getting through to Student Finance NI
24-06-13 12:43
1 911
Studying in Scotland
07-08-12 13:49
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English Literature and Media Studies degree!
19-06-13 15:15
1 915
MA in Politics/Irish Politics in Queens Belfast - Any help appreciated!
15-06-13 21:19
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St Mary's Belfast PGCE IME 13/14
10-06-13 8:53
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Applying to colleges in Scotland
04-06-13 19:01
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23-04-13 11:03
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Maintenance Grant for PhD Ulster Uni
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University of Ulster Coleraine
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Accommodation - Jordanstown
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English tution fees for existing degree holder?
12-05-12 14:59
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Occupational Therapy 2013 UK
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MA in English and Linguistics,Edinburgh
30-04-13 12:06
1 829
Heriot-Watt or Napier??
24-04-13 17:29
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Residency status for fees query.
21-04-13 15:12
1 630
Receiving Grant again after a gap year.
16-04-13 18:15
0 467
Help about Finance for studying in UK!!
07-02-13 17:33
2 1.3K
Looking for students who studied in Queens... :)
31-03-13 0:51
1 1.2K
Will Uk uni's care if I do **** in Irish??
16-03-13 8:52
2 961
Translate Leaving Cert grades to A level grades?
31-01-12 6:49
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Anyone apply for midwifery or nursing uk 2013?
19-01-13 21:15
1 1.2K
Swansea University
23-02-13 18:41
0 762
Psychology in Queens Belfast
04-02-13 21:22
0 790
Going To Queens How to contact ROI
04-02-13 19:56
5 736
UCAS conditional offers?
04-02-13 9:33
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Studying Education in UK
31-01-13 18:35
4 1.1K
Postgrad in Edinburgh.. fees info and advice required!
16-01-13 10:25
1 773
Medicine In Britain
05-01-13 0:16
2 1.3K