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NI & GB Colleges

A forum for colleges in Nothern Ireland & the Great Britain
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MA in Scotland
12-01-13 4:17
0 681
Studying Law in England and Wales
29-12-12 10:48
1 939
University of Ulster Jordanstown this Sept??!!
17-06-12 13:22
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Can you get the BTEA if you're at college in the UK?
13-12-12 2:41
0 717
MA in Mod. Lit. Studies
10-12-12 22:08
0 583
Masters in Leeds Metropolitan University
23-01-12 19:24
2 1.6K
Applying to UCAS while already in a course
09-12-12 12:11
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Leeds Metropolitan
07-12-12 16:08
3 713
Nursing grants, bursaries for Irish student studying in England. HELP!!
09-01-12 17:06
4 8.2K
Financing Nursing in UK
29-08-12 16:57
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If I get accepted via UCAS, what will I do about accommodation?
18-11-12 10:21
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Msc application, whats my immigration status?
03-11-12 22:37
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PhD residency rules in UK
08-11-12 18:21
0 621
Nursing in England
30-10-12 16:52
1 734
How to get started with UCAS
19-10-12 15:23
1 1.3K
Does anyone know or have experience of London Universities?
13-09-12 23:44
7 1.6K
Masters in the UK
13-10-12 15:15
1 1.1K
Do Irish students qualify for the Student Maintenance loan?
08-09-12 17:54
3 1K
Can't long into student finance online account?
19-08-12 17:38
1 627
Criminology-Queen's, Belfast.
07-09-12 17:27
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Any funding available for postgrad in uk?
03-09-12 22:35
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Irish going to Scotland to study physics
26-08-12 15:05
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College application?
31-03-09 15:54
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Moving to England
12-07-11 10:52
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Student Loan Possible With A Pre-existing Degree?
16-08-12 9:34
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Defer PhD
25-08-12 10:46
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Term dates BSc Nursing UK
24-08-12 22:38
0 476
Masters Offers in Ulster Uni
20-08-12 15:32
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Accepting UCAS offer cancels out CAO?
20-08-12 14:37
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1st year Psychology in Queens, Belfast?
18-08-12 21:38
8 1.7K