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NI & GB Colleges

A forum for colleges in Nothern Ireland & the Great Britain
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Anybody know where to buy books?
20-11-11 13:40
1 770
Funding for an Undergraduate Masters Degree in the UK.
06-11-11 15:37
3 1.8K
ROI student confused in general how to apply/tariff points
05-11-11 21:52
2 1.8K
Cambridge (Again... apologies)
05-11-11 1:31
0 962
Nursing in the UK
17-10-11 13:08
1 1.3K
Journalism at University of Salford
10-10-11 18:25
0 827
Midwifery in the UK
26-09-11 18:29
2 1.4K
Nursing in the UK
05-10-11 22:14
0 825
Students in Queens from the Republic of Ireland
19-09-11 15:20
0 1.1K
University of East Anglia
16-09-11 11:32
0 998
Greenmount college
09-09-11 17:12
1 1.1K
30-04-11 19:17
5 4.2K
Transferring from Dublin to Glasgow.
02-09-11 22:32
0 898
24-08-10 17:47
2 1.5K
Quitting my job considering going to college in Belfast
24-07-11 13:05
2 2.3K
Help writing UCAS Personal Statement
11-08-11 17:17
1 1.4K
Any students looking for accommodation in Edinburgh?
01-06-11 19:18
6 2.2K
Midwifery at Queens
19-06-11 20:10
2 1.6K
Studying In Scotland
20-04-11 15:48
17 4.6K
Can I still be accepted into a UK uni if I've missed the offer?
29-07-11 13:35
1 1.1K
Glasgow (or Liverpool) any advice REALLY appreciated :)
21-06-11 23:56
14 3.5K
M.Sc Biotechnology Queens
20-07-11 1:49
0 933
Irish grants for UK uni?
25-06-11 15:51
9 3.2K
Postgrads looking for house share, Queens
18-07-11 23:57
0 739
University of Ulster
29-06-11 19:00
0 1K
Coleraine Accomodation
25-06-11 21:28
1 1.1K
LLM QUB Accommodation
25-05-11 13:42
10 2.3K
Cheap accomodation in Blackpool?
25-06-11 13:58
5 1K
Is it safe at Queens University?
25-04-11 6:48
12 4.3K
ECS stranmillis
17-06-11 18:10
0 787