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Nutrition & Diet

Discuss aspects of nutrition, diet and healthy eating. Please contact your doctor or nutritionist before embarking on any new diet.
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No carb alternatives
13-06-21 7:29
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[Please Help] is wheat gluten and can you eat cows that are fed gluten( barley)
24-05-21 15:39
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Fitness foods - Product recommendations thread
11-06-21 13:24
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Is Magnesium Citrate absorber better than Magnesium Oxide?
05-06-21 12:23
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motivation weight loss clinics: good or bad?? 12
01-06-21 21:24
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Anti-Carb diet not leading to weight loss 12
24-04-16 19:43
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Monster drink cans - safe or not safe?
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Milled seaweed
20-04-21 14:34
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Where to buy sunflower lecithin in ireland
17-04-21 19:28
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Toppings for shredded wheat or weetabix
10-04-21 12:08
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Calorie difference between cooked and raw food
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Changes in Dietary Habits During the COVID-19 Lockdown
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Butter consumption too much, or am worrying over nothing?
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How unhealthy is my non-alco habit?
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Puori O3 Fish Oil
05-03-21 17:35
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A multivit and mineral at a decent price
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Fasting and its impact on muscle
19-02-21 15:24
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Complex diagnosis with alcohol addiction
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Substitute for water?
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Ketogenic Lifestyle 2020
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Strawberries and blueberries causing massive bloat
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What to add to Fish and Rice for flavour
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GF & Lactose Free
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Dodgy labelling?
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Starting TDR Plan Jan 2021
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Can't Lose Belly Fat - Advice Needed
18-04-19 11:47
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Apple Cider Vinegar
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Has anyone tried "Second Nature" to lose weight?
04-01-21 11:48
0 199