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Nutrition & Diet

Discuss aspects of nutrition, diet and healthy eating. Please contact your doctor or nutritionist before embarking on any new diet.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Lactose Intolerance - avoid all milk products?
09-08-20 18:26
2 286
Sick of being skinny
02-08-20 8:36
11 849
Is 4-6 months frozen Steak and Salmon ok to eat?
03-08-20 13:14
5 623
American Ginseng Root Capsules?
02-08-20 17:13
0 183
Milk Kefir Grains Dublin
31-07-20 22:29
2 230
Grass fed beef and its mineral nutirition
12-07-20 12:39
3 427
Apparently I have an intollerance to 80% of the foods I eat?
24-07-20 16:56
9 813
Alternate Day Fasting
25-07-20 11:05
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Advice required
23-07-20 7:37
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Best chance to get back at it
18-07-20 14:28
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Best online value for gluten free pasta?
09-06-20 13:14
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Match Nutrition
14-07-20 14:05
1 228
Nature Valley Crunchy Granola
13-07-20 6:14
1 474
Calorie deficit
10-07-20 22:48
8 1.1K
Gut Bacteria out of whack-Need advice on how to get my system back to full health
09-07-20 14:04
4 639
Juicer recommendations?
30-06-20 12:22
3 382
Protein Amount & Recommendation
03-07-20 7:57
4 403
"Healthy" Ready Meals
16-06-20 19:40
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Barley Portions
28-06-20 13:08
0 182
Does anyone here no much about Curcumin?
21-06-20 13:22
10 481
A lower in calories ice cream?
23-06-20 12:19
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The fast 800
14-06-20 17:02
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First steps
22-06-20 11:36
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Has the world gone protein mad?
20-06-20 7:02
6 856
Feeling Frustrated
21-06-20 7:44
6 713
Unfriended MyFitnessPal out of my life
18-06-20 12:20
5 580
Dublin Meat Co
14-05-20 14:08
7 2.1K
Smoothie recipes
08-06-20 16:28
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best calorie counting app
08-06-20 14:57
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'Targetting' belly fat loss
06-06-20 0:34
2 792