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Open Source

The free software movement.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Simple JBoss application using Lomboz v1.0 & mysql
19-12-05 14:41
1 388
Have 50 Invites For Gmail To Give
20-12-05 23:07
17 1.1K
Help Needed
13-12-05 21:53
3 353
what's the difference between open source and freeware
02-12-05 19:41
14 665
Messenger for all
05-12-05 21:02
1 386
Is it legal?
29-11-05 20:41
12 532
Firefox URL Dropdown Issue
30-11-05 16:11
1 402
Kill Bill's Browser.
11-11-05 10:23
18 762
Firewall bypass
09-11-05 15:45
13 1.9K
Convert .xls to .csv
17-11-05 14:46
9 9.7K
Alternative to Azureus?
09-11-05 14:27
19 3.5K
Azureus problem
06-11-05 12:37
3 491
01-11-05 0:51
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Tape Drive software to restore Arcserve or BackupExec
26-10-05 19:05
2 716
Mac Azureus NAT errors
25-10-05 13:45
2 1.3K
Mind mapping software
24-10-05 9:07
4 608
Setting Firefox as default in OS X
22-10-05 11:28
2 1.1K
Converting itunes format to winapp/realplayer/media player
14-10-05 14:16
3 888
4 Rs6000
14-10-05 9:15
2 550
Is opensource Developement sustainable
08-10-05 17:07
6 713
Irish/Dublin PHP Consultancy
04-10-05 12:47
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Any typo3 developers?
27-09-05 16:59
2 484
First Irish OpenSolaris UsersGroup Meeting
26-09-05 15:27
0 402
GPL v3 (RMS interview)
26-09-05 14:54
1 517
WANTED - "integrated 'real time' accounting system"
16-09-05 11:41
3 562
Database Editor for Windows
14-09-05 18:41
7 767
spliting DVD files form audio/video to audio.
14-09-05 8:19
1 707
Saving a streamed file
06-09-05 10:32
3 574
PDF overlaying?
29-08-05 22:18
7 1.6K
European Patents Update
18-08-05 18:22
19 1.2K