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Wild Camping

Forum for discussion of Wild Camping
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Getting to Enniskerry without Tarmac...
24-07-09 18:29
1 465
Transporting Kayaks
24-07-09 14:47
2 484
Headtorch suitable for kilimanjaro
24-07-09 16:46
7 1.4K
Canoe/Kayaking for a beginner around Wexford??
23-07-09 20:44
2 2.8K
cooking while camping
16-07-09 21:40
4 962
Lidl mini tent?
14-07-09 16:17
4 1.3K
Prescription sunglasses for trip to Nepal
12-07-09 0:09
6 1.2K
16-07-09 22:06
8 1K
Mont Blanc July 2009
29-03-09 16:15
17 1.8K
Dalkey Quarry in amazing 3d using crysis engine
21-07-09 6:52
0 429
Hill/Mountain Walking Beginner
14-07-09 15:06
5 1.1K
hiking footwear for burren type terrain??
13-07-09 18:10
2 604
Walking Boots recommendations please
13-07-09 19:19
4 777
coastearing bouldering, any were in the south to do this?
14-07-09 1:52
4 737
gps advice
11-07-09 19:26
3 621
camping question....
10-07-09 13:26
1 542
Hill-walking near Wicklow town?
05-07-09 15:40
6 1.4K
06-07-09 17:09
1 540
Travel Insuance for the Pyrenees
03-07-09 16:28
1 441
Galtymore Tomorrow. Please help
05-06-09 17:04
5 4.2K
Is it just me or is it addictive?
01-07-09 12:48
8 1K
Connemara map?
04-07-09 14:32
2 529
Camping in Skerries
01-07-09 0:03
0 965
Insect repellent? What good to use.
26-06-09 12:03
12 1.6K
Good walking route for a novice
14-04-09 13:35
15 2.2K
Camping, adventure actitvity weekend (stag) in Wales. Any ideas?
30-06-09 10:30
0 317
Sleeping Bag Tied To Outside Of Pack????
26-06-09 14:04
8 1.3K
Cleaning/reconditioning my boots?
27-06-09 20:59
2 422
survival weekend
22-06-09 19:17
2 475
Camping in Brittas Bay (or anywhere on East coast)
25-06-09 14:05
2 1K