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Friend abandoned me at a concert
29-03-23 20:25
18 4.4K
Am I asking for too much?
23-03-23 18:16
18 3.4K
Fear of ageing and shedloads of regrets.. any of you relate?
22-03-23 18:44
28 4K
Severe covid anxiety affecting mental health
19-03-23 16:36
18 1.6K
St Francis Farm
19-03-23 13:28
2 998
Strained Family Relationships
18-03-23 13:19
6 1.9K
Advice re toxic family member
17-03-23 8:55
6 1.3K
So at Christmas my parents gave me and all my sibling a substantial sum of money.
15-03-23 9:45
32 5.8K
How or if to respond
13-03-23 13:52
24 2.9K
Theft..Court Date... So Ashamed
06-03-23 9:41
0 1.5K
Probate and Difficult Mother
24-02-23 11:19
11 2K
Don't get invited
20-02-23 22:45
11 4.2K
Husband leaving me 12
19-02-23 14:52
51 15.1K
Did something so stupid. Need advice. It's a bad situation.
14-02-23 15:49
25 5.7K
Waiting to be discovered - how to get out there
12-02-23 23:01
29 5.1K
Is this just a trauma response or should I worry?
09-02-23 4:05
4 1.7K
On the verge of a nervous breakdown-what do I do?
08-02-23 22:26
23 4K
Don't know where I stand
06-02-23 7:48
19 2.1K
Friend who messages often but does not seem interested in conversation..don't know what to think?
03-02-23 22:01
7 1.2K
Perpetually low mood
28-01-23 15:37
0 571
Enjoy financial assets or save them to leave to children?
24-01-23 9:27
30 5K
Finding it hard to function Heart broken 12
19-01-23 11:32
64 7.7K
At a complete loss - don't know what to do
19-01-23 11:12
25 4.2K
Loaned money to a family member. Could do with some advice. 12
Answered ✓
18-01-23 23:16
79 6K
What is this?
15-01-23 12:26
20 2.8K
Sister in Law keeps bringing up my ex
10-01-23 23:33
31 4.4K
To have another baby or not
05-01-23 5:59
29 4.6K
Moved: Advice needed
04-01-23 16:06
0 1
Almost 28, keep starting over
01-01-23 22:40
14 2.3K
30s and no friends this Christmas
01-01-23 17:27
15 3.6K