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Primary & Preschool

a guide and an exchange of opinions and advice about Primary & Preschool issues.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Pride in the primary classroom?
11-06-18 19:05
7 915
How to teach alphabet
09-06-18 10:35
3 444
Stay in Ireland or move abroad?
05-06-18 19:19
4 445
Standardised testing in Senior Infants
07-06-18 7:40
11 1.5K
Question for parents : Holidays during school term, YEA or NAY?
07-06-18 18:57
5 439
HDip planning folder for sale?
02-05-18 18:25
4 575
Advice on best Montessori teaching course?
05-06-18 20:44
0 156
How will the ban on waiting lists be implemented?
31-05-18 10:35
1 407
Should I be a primary teacher??
08-05-18 19:19
16 2.2K
Child psychologist
23-05-18 9:51
1 398
service history
17-05-18 23:10
2 328
Standardised tests/Dumcondras etc.
08-06-12 23:15
34 17.9K
Reviews on schools in tubbercurry area
17-05-18 14:54
1 219
Primary School Smithfield Dublin 7 St Pauls CBS vs Educate Together National School
16-05-18 21:14
0 355
Is primary school teaching the right choice for me?
25-04-16 13:37
9 2.3K
unfair process?
12-05-18 17:28
1 484
St. Olaf’s Balally
03-05-18 17:35
1 317
Maths grinds - 6th class
16-04-18 8:25
1 315
PME Primary Teaching Mary Immaculate
04-05-18 13:12
0 357
Where to apply so I can work at childcare
25-04-18 11:24
4 379
Wicklow Town and Rathnew Schools - any experience?
15-03-18 13:46
9 959
Junior Infant Places in These Schools?
08-01-18 13:54
2 830
1999 Primary Curriculum WANTED
02-05-18 18:22
0 171
Newly qualified primary teacher salary?
12-04-18 18:01
5 1.2K
Portmarnock primary school
22-04-18 12:11
1 257
Mullingar Primary Schools
21-04-18 23:01
3 378
Senior Infants/ First class split
22-04-18 7:29
1 565
Supervision in Primary school
18-04-18 13:40
4 698
German Primary Teacher moving to ireland
31-03-18 14:08
25 1.6K
Hibernian primary masters
17-04-18 20:09
0 240