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Primary & Preschool

a guide and an exchange of opinions and advice about Primary & Preschool issues.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Catholic schools and baptism 123
26-10-15 9:18
132 5.6K
Is education biased against boys?
02-11-15 8:40
7 952
Primary teaching
02-11-15 19:03
6 822
educate together?
24-08-12 3:23
8 2.3K
montessori school
09-10-15 12:18
4 815
Oatlands Primary School
26-10-15 21:42
3 959
School Enrollment Process
09-10-15 14:22
12 1.4K
School Patronage - Do Parents Really Care?
30-09-15 20:39
6 1.4K
Child statement
12-10-15 14:12
5 1.3K
When to start primary school
03-04-15 11:52
21 3.5K
Best Public Schools in South Dublin?
09-10-15 9:40
13 6.3K
Childminder requested
21-10-15 8:59
2 492
Witty script & catchy songs for 6th class Christmas play/musical age 11-12
19-10-15 18:08
3 1.6K
Communication with school...should parents be informed of split level class?
08-10-15 10:30
14 1.4K
Homework Tips
09-10-15 7:10
2 630
Primary school:Help/Query on panel rights/travel!!??
07-10-15 13:47
1 654
Neighbour kids don't go to school
05-10-15 11:51
14 4.7K
Choosing a school 12
26-09-15 13:58
52 3.6K
Welcome MENSA's youngest new members!
29-09-15 17:39
1 837
Irish History book for 10 yr old
14-09-15 21:28
3 952
Picking a Creche
05-09-15 15:03
9 1.4K
Homework time in 4th class?
18-09-15 12:32
2 980
How to make a complaint about a pre-school?
15-09-15 19:05
2 1.1K
Advice please for 4.11 year old
08-09-15 9:21
6 1.3K
Primary schools to be given Tricolour/Proclamation for 1916 centenary.
16-09-15 10:18
0 544
Blank/completed map of irish mountains
15-09-15 11:50
2 1.5K
Split 5th Class
11-09-15 16:39
4 938
Extra English classes for Foreign Nationals
10-09-15 17:49
0 673
Belymayne Educate Together
10-09-15 14:23
0 620
primary school teaching via arts degree
08-09-15 7:49
2 1.8K