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Pro Evolution Soccer & FIFA

PES and FIFA general discussion.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Fifa 10 World Cup 12...2122
07-06-10 11:54
642 24.5K
Fifa 10 pro club
19-07-10 19:30
0 422
how do you save a replay
17-07-10 20:35
3 678
Boards Fifa World Cup - (Bad Beat/Moan/Venting) 12...67
05-06-10 17:52
191 11.4K
Transfer a save game across platforms (Pro Evo 2010)
18-07-10 22:27
0 462
Reporting scammers on FIFA 10
18-07-10 16:02
0 672
Resigning as moderator for FIFA/PES forum
15-07-10 18:04
11 1.3K
Ha ha So Unexpected, Ever happen to anyone?
13-07-10 0:43
2 650
FIFA10 Transfer Bonus % Glitch
17-07-10 5:52
0 686
What football title will you be purchasing for the 10/11 season?
15-07-10 19:35
8 880
Boards World Cup Tournament - Fixtures/Results 12
18-06-10 23:17
60 4.9K
Pro Evolution Tournament 2010 for Barnardos
15-07-10 11:56
0 427
FIFA Championship
10-07-10 15:42
3 661
PS3 Fifa 10 Boards Club 1234
05-10-09 21:41
119 8.4K
Quitting still ruining online
28-06-10 16:50
12 1.5K
How hard is it to get into the team of the season?
08-07-10 22:31
6 676
FIFA 11 Press Release
07-07-10 10:33
6 904
League of Ireland
10-07-10 15:19
0 417
Pro Ranked Match problem
04-07-10 11:29
2 677
FIfa 11 - First info
09-06-10 15:19
23 3.1K
FIFA 10 Rant 12...45
07-10-09 23:04
139 15K
Boards Leagues FIFA 10 Season 7 - Bad Beat/Moan/Venting 12...1920
19-04-10 21:12
594 30.5K
Qualifying League
22-06-10 18:36
10 1.2K
FIFA League Season 3 Sign-up Thread 12
20-06-10 17:40
58 3K
FIFA10 League Season 2 12...3031
12-04-10 10:23
912 35.5K
Boards Championship FIFA 10 League - Season 7 (Results/Fixtures/Tables) 123
22-04-10 13:30
88 6.6K
Boards Premiership FIFA 10 League - Season 7 (Results/Fixtures/Tables) 1234
22-04-10 13:28
109 7.7K
Boards League 1 FIFA 10 League - Season 7 (Results/Fixtures/Tables) 1234
22-04-10 13:31
99 6.4K
FIFA stratedgy guide
19-06-10 16:47
0 559
Boards Ireland U21's CLUB official thread.
04-06-10 20:16
8 1.2K