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Pro Evolution Soccer & FIFA

PES and FIFA general discussion.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Fifa 09 - Scoring from half way line
21-01-09 19:12
27 2.3K
another fifa 09 club
21-01-09 22:53
12 1.1K
Fifa forum at last!
16-01-09 18:46
42 2K
Top Player
28-11-08 13:27
17 1.8K
pro evo 09 problem
21-01-09 14:47
0 330
FIFA 09 Unranked matches (xbox)?
20-01-09 18:53
0 350
Pro Evo Problem
18-01-09 13:09
0 410
PES 2009 Unlockables
07-11-08 23:37
4 5.7K
PES09 Trophy Support?
13-01-09 23:33
0 397
2v1, 2v2 on same console?
13-01-09 12:12
0 348
Anyone who has played PES on a SDTV and an HDTV
16-12-08 19:50
2 799
Xbox 360 Editing.
21-12-08 16:26
4 1.5K
Xbox 360 Option File
28-12-08 20:52
1 608
Graphics Card?
28-12-08 22:07
5 1.1K
Please help me get online, Please!!
26-12-08 11:51
1 423
Pes'ers for PC
26-12-08 14:47
4 661
Boards Xmas Champions League - Xbox 360
23-12-08 2:28
5 792
PS3 update and USB key
26-11-08 17:24
26 2.3K PES Xbox players identify yourselves
14-12-08 14:17
3 715
Online: Replaying goals
21-12-08 19:13
3 562
Pro Evo 2009 (PC) online - Improved ?
20-12-08 13:46
2 703
Big PES Comp. Win a Nike Kit for your team.
17-11-08 16:05
5 1.8K
Von option file 1.06
15-12-08 20:42
4 1.3K
Fifa/Pro Evo on PS2
11-12-08 20:48
2 564
Fifa 09 Clubs [PS3]
10-12-08 15:30
2 577
Player Development Curve
27-11-08 23:24
4 753
Pro Evo 2009
08-12-08 11:15
2 615
Can't control keeper unassisted!!
08-12-08 22:52
3 614
360 - 2 against 1
05-12-08 18:05
1 750
PES 2009 - Editing Do it yourself
20-10-08 20:00
1 65.5K