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Pro Evolution Soccer & FIFA

PES and FIFA general discussion.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Pes Rankings!?
24-11-06 18:29
3 374
5 places open in group
17-11-06 0:04
18 905
Kitserver 6.2.1 Released
23-11-06 14:17
0 1.7K
Updted option files with correct player names.
21-11-06 18:42
3 473
Xbos Live Multiplayer Co-OP
21-11-06 19:42
1 316
xbox 360 irish league
20-11-06 16:39
2 296
How can I get real premiership kits on PS2???
12-11-06 13:29
10 1.2K
Real team names\badges\kits online?
16-11-06 17:28
3 680
Kitserver 6.2
18-11-06 18:59
6 775
Cant play online (xbox 360)
17-11-06 23:38
1 465
Attack/Defence system
17-11-06 20:34
3 405
pes6 pc version
16-11-06 21:35
4 751
Boards Group Thread
12-11-06 20:34
21 758
PES6 - Kitserver and Graphics
14-11-06 14:39
3 6.6K
Playername Format Lobby 7
28-10-06 16:51
33 1.3K
Pes 6 Connection Settings Help????
14-11-06 2:56
0 438
Option file unlocked everything, is it possible to lock items again?
03-11-06 16:43
5 718
Boards Mini League (PC PS2) 123
08-11-06 22:00
120 2.1K
New PES6 Community!
12-11-06 23:45
0 331
XBox 360 PES6 in my hand now! 12
19-10-06 8:05
58 2.6K
PS2 PES 6 50hz versus 60hz???
08-11-06 16:11
6 1.8K
Goals Goals and more Goals
09-11-06 16:42
6 478
Help! Getting Online with PC version
11-11-06 15:58
3 354
Patches for the PS2- How do they work?
10-11-06 13:56
1 318
terrible lag
08-11-06 21:41
5 452
Online wins not registering
09-11-06 9:30
2 400
PC online play
09-11-06 9:20
0 326
Slimline PS2 & Pro Evo 6 online connecting woes!
07-11-06 23:55
9 602
Pro Evo6 Personal Leagues
06-11-06 16:20
3 400
Kitserver 6 (PC users only HD kits!)
06-11-06 18:05
10 3.9K