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Renewable Energies

Sustainable and renewable energies such as Solar Panels Geothermal Heating and Wood Pellet Boilers etc
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Have any existing apartment buildings installed solar panels on the roof?
15-12-24 %k:15
16 813
Risks of Charging batteries, Car, "Maxing out supplies" 12
14-12-24 %k:39
53 451
Best Invertor and Panels
13-12-24 %k:38
39 2.5K
Brand batteries vs DIY batteries
Answered ✓
13-12-24 %k:51
10 604
Solis Inverter Warranty
12-12-24 %k:52
5 343
Max power draw on 16kva 12
12-12-24 %k:01
95 1.9K
SAJ Solar inverter using Elekeeper app
11-12-24 %k:28
6 318
Myenergi experts? Adding a battery to eddi and zappi
08-12-24 %k:04
3 121
2nd Inverter - Adding a 2nd building to existing solar
05-12-24 %k:22
15 231
Heat Pump Setup - Multiple Zones or Single Zone + TRVs?
04-12-24 %k:20
19 529
Two Inverters 12
04-12-24 %k:21
87 4.6K
Inverter backup bypass
03-12-24 %k:45
9 211
Black Friday - Fogstar
03-12-24 %k:42
26 832
Solar panels - spread of generation through the day
02-12-24 %k:40
12 511
Fast charging solar batteries at night
02-12-24 %k:12
36 1.3K
Livoltek System
02-12-24 %k:14
11 545
Faulty Dyness Batteries
01-12-24 %k:36
35 2.4K
Huawei Inverter- Connecting to New Router
30-11-24 %k:03
4 51
Mitsubishi Srk-zs-wf 5kw Air to Air 12
29-11-24 %k:05
57 851
Move existing air-to-air heatpump or new install in Dublin, suggestions?
29-11-24 %k:59
5 121
AC Coupled inverter or swap out?
29-11-24 %k:35
1 51
Home Assistant Simulated Home Battery Integration
28-11-24 %k:26
7 276
Decentralised heat recovery ventilation
26-11-24 %k:18
23 444
Heat pump and manual trvs
26-11-24 %k:50
1 71
Advice on location of inverter for Solar Panels
25-11-24 %k:03
10 411
Common Busbar
24-11-24 %k:06
2 91
Solar on Flat Roof - to tilt or not to tilt
24-11-24 %k:14
10 332
Best hybrid inverter for charging large battery (> 32kwh)
23-11-24 %k:50
28 1.2K
Samsung Gen6/Joule ASHP - Remove Zoning
21-11-24 %k:54
6 235
Theoretical question effect of frost snow on panels
20-11-24 %k:56
3 151