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For discussing everything from motorways to boreens
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
N56 - Dungloe to Glenties 12...45
01-01-25 17:29
203 29K
N55 Ballinagh Relief Road
23-12-24 12:59
3 257
N55 - Corduff to South of Killydoon
23-12-24 9:51
46 4.5K
N4 - Carrick-on-Shannon to Dromod [route options published] 12
19-12-24 6:39
76 11.7K
Google Maps, satellite view
Answered ✓
13-12-24 8:10
3 323
M4 - Maynooth to Leixlip [constr. of inbound bus lane underway;planning and design underway on rest] 12...78
09-12-24 20:17
370 30.5K
N26 Ballina Bypass 12
07-12-24 11:52
52 4.8K
N86 - Tralee to Dingle [advance works ongoing for Phase 3] 12...67
06-12-24 15:04
326 53.2K
N5 - Swinford Bypass upgrade [planning]
05-12-24 22:48
46 2.8K
N25 - Midleton to Youghal [planning and design to commence 2023] 12...45
05-12-24 14:06
209 18.7K
Gardaí announce locations for nine new static speed cameras throughout Ireland 12
04-12-24 14:57
52 3.3K
Narrow Water Bridge 12
02-12-24 16:24
83 15.4K
A5 - Derry Dual Carraigeway 12...1213
01-12-24 19:31
635 98.2K
N5/N26/N58 - Castlebar-Bohola / Swinford-Mount Falcon 123
30-11-24 8:36
110 17K
N2 - Ardee to Castleblayney [suspended due to lack of funding] 12
29-11-24 19:54
89 13.6K
N17 - Claremorris / Knock bypass 12
29-11-24 1:50
73 10.2K
N2 - Slane Bypass [planning decision pending] 12...1819
28-11-24 12:10
923 103.6K
N2 - Clontibret to NI Border [preferred route published; ABP in 2022] 12
28-11-24 8:13
90 12.3K
N61 Tulsk upgrades (10km Type 1 SC - planning granted for first 4km)
20-11-24 13:22
3 445
N84 - Ballinrobe Bypass [planning and design to commence]
15-11-24 9:31
11 784
CCTV roundabout Leixlip/ Celbridge off m4
13-11-24 9:29
1 132
Unbuilt road projects/unused land reservations
12-11-24 11:13
11 652
M11/N11 - M50 (J4) to Coyne's Cross (J14) [options published] 12...2425
10-11-24 10:24
1.2K 97.4K
Completing the M7
06-11-24 21:32
20 1.7K
The roads logjam 12...56
06-11-24 18:02
269 19.3K
How much of the road network is "modern"?
05-11-24 22:20
25 1.2K
N20 - Charleville Relief Road [planning to commence 2023]
04-11-24 13:41
13 1K
N3 - Virginia Bypass [route options published] 1234
17-10-24 14:59
191 32.1K
Cork Southern Distributor Road [route selection] 12
15-10-24 17:27
64 5.5K
N72 - Mallow Northern Relief Road [refined route options published] 123
04-10-24 10:16
106 14.6K