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For discussing everything from motorways to boreens
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
2024 TII funding cuts
18-09-24 9:36
17 1.6K
Hidden tunnels of Ireland.... 12
16-09-24 11:17
56 15.2K
N4 - Mullingar to Rooskey [route options published] 12...56
20-08-24 21:56
267 30.5K
N69 - Listowel Bypass [completed] 123
20-08-24 10:26
120 19.8K
N78 - Athy Southern Distributor Road [completed] 12
12-08-24 21:25
65 9K
N70 - Milltown bypass
03-08-24 12:49
37 4.5K
N5 - Westport to Turlough [open to traffic] 12...2829
31-07-24 14:11
1.4K 200.1K
Toll Road Query: Dublin Port to Limerick?
24-07-24 17:12
9 432
N22 - Macroom to Ballyvourney (Macroom Bypass) [open to traffic] 12...5657
19-07-24 8:31
2.8K 473.1K
East-West, Sligo-Dundalk Upgrade Scheme
19-07-24 7:13
33 10.7K
N/M18 (for discussing COMPLETED sections) 123
17-07-24 11:44
128 14.2K
M17/M18 - Gort to Tuam [open to traffic] 12...191192
08-07-24 19:39
9.6K 1.7M
Flimsy signs
24-06-24 17:11
3 381
N52 minor upgrade work 12
15-06-24 18:06
91 14.5K
N16 - Sligo to County Boundary
02-06-24 13:25
7 1.3K
2018-2027 National Development Plan 12...1011
29-05-24 8:09
526 70K
N25 - Waterford to Glenmore [design ongoing; ABP in mid 2022] 123
03-05-24 20:59
102 13.4K
N59 - Moycullen Bypass [completed Dec 2023] 123
02-05-24 20:33
108 13.5K
Cork's legacy N routes
01-05-24 12:54
10 902
N17 - Tuam to Claremorris (2017 scheme)
23-04-24 19:53
32 5.8K
N17 realignment at Milltown.
20-04-24 11:46
10 1.8K
N24 - Cahir to Waterford [design and planning underway] 123
19-04-24 19:01
123 15.2K
Cctv on a cork roundabout
16-04-24 23:16
15 905
M9 motorway (general thread) 12...1314
11-04-24 11:25
684 111.1K
American Highway Appreciation Thread 12
07-04-24 11:31
70 3.3K
recommendations for holiday from cork or shannon airport
03-04-24 3:29
2 212
N4 - Collooney to Castlebaldwin [open to traffic] 12...89
21-03-24 12:23
413 68.8K
19-03-24 16:48
0 131
N40 - Cork South Ring Road upgrade [early planning underway] 12
19-03-24 0:43
76 5.5K
M7/M8 Portlaoise - Cullahill - poor quality surface? Any plans?
18-03-24 14:25
4 571