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Forum for members to keep strength sports training logs
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Gyms in balgriffin/Clongriffin area
08-05-18 21:29
0 580
Need Elbow protector post Bursitis
29-04-18 16:17
0 435
Gym Once a Week
16-04-18 12:22
0 558
strength shop knee sleeve reviews
21-03-18 22:22
1 588
Where to buy competition kettlebells
19-03-18 10:54
1 611
Gyms in ballinasloe
05-03-18 11:56
0 326
Powerlifting to win
26-02-18 7:51
3 587
epistane for 12 week course
28-01-18 11:18
2 523
GVT training
23-01-18 20:56
7 448
Buying a singlet for 1st Powerlifting Comp
24-01-18 9:27
1 392
Barbell weight
26-11-13 20:21
18 3.3K
12-02-14 12:28
50 14.8K
Weightlifting Shoes Cork
12-01-18 16:59
0 353
Strength training on whole30
03-01-18 12:38
1 453
Home gym tips
27-11-17 16:06
1 875
Pulled Pec
23-11-17 22:38
0 373
Naim Suleymanoglu dies at 50
18-11-17 22:38
0 397
Music while you work(out)
18-10-17 14:44
2 512
Powerlifting Coach
18-10-17 15:09
11 1K
Best gym equipment to tone up but build bum and glutes?
27-10-17 20:27
1 522
Tyres for Training
18-10-17 9:55
1 427
Adidas crazy power shoe's. €56!!
07-10-17 20:55
1 651
Creatine Side Effects
21-08-17 21:10
7 1K
Weightlifting, Powerlifting and Strongman clubs in Ireland
31-03-13 18:35
22 11.4K
gym training partner
12-09-17 14:46
3 832
good diet? - college student
05-09-17 13:22
2 602
fat under belly button
07-09-17 15:15
2 712
05-03-17 21:05
3 965
Irish Lifting
28-08-17 18:08
0 567
Slight shoulder injury - healing time?
24-04-17 10:32
4 842