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Tattoos & Piercings

Body art and adornments.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
26-08-10 15:03
9 1.9K
star tatoos
06-08-10 8:29
15 3.6K
Apprenticeship available
26-08-10 12:43
0 690
Rob Hicks ....any good??
10-07-09 0:55
12 5.1K
tattoo concealer
19-08-10 11:39
8 2.8K
Nipple - advice
24-08-10 0:05
2 745
Tattoo apprenticeship?
20-08-10 14:10
2 1.3K
My bad tongue piercing experience :(
13-07-10 17:30
28 8.5K
Tragus Piercing and Lonford Piercers????
20-08-10 13:12
3 1.3K
I need suggestions. :)
04-08-10 1:25
19 2.4K
Getting a tattoo
20-08-10 18:08
7 1.2K
14th August, Foggy Dew, 8pm 12
09-08-10 14:49
90 7.3K
Best place for cover-up in Limerick??
20-08-10 10:25
5 1.1K
Getting a tattoo London or Dublin?
13-08-10 13:20
15 2.9K
need help with irish symbols!
16-08-10 17:52
4 1.1K
Recommend me a tattoo
15-08-10 11:10
2 882
Tattoo Removal
15-08-10 12:39
4 1.2K
Anyone have experience with Fish Hook tattoo's in Letterkenny?
14-08-10 22:14
1 832
Tattoo studio beside the thunder road café.
10-04-08 15:08
42 11.1K
What happened to the apprentice on London ink??
12-08-10 14:13
6 3.1K
Nipple piercing problem
11-08-10 10:59
3 816
Nape piercing - pre-needle advice :)
14-10-07 13:02
27 2.7K
Tattoo Help
08-08-10 21:23
9 1.2K
Neck Piercing
19-11-07 23:59
6 1K
colour oder black and grey?
05-08-10 20:53
3 890
Beers? August 14th, 8pm, Foggy Dew 1234
20-05-10 18:46
158 10.7K
Need advice on gettin a tat removed...
08-08-10 19:42
1 760
1st Tattoo - Chinese Characters
07-08-10 9:32
4 2K
29-07-10 21:45
4 1.1K
pin up artists
07-08-10 18:06
0 507