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Teaching Abroad

A resource for those who are teaching (or want to teach) outside Ireland.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Rugby Playing Teachers wanted in Oman
22-04-19 %k:29
0 298
Anyone done TEFL teaching with Spainwise?
06-04-19 %k:38
0 491
Sabis recruitment
27-02-19 %k:01
0 263
Best online TEFL course
01-08-18 %k:29
1 1.3K
Teaching in England
11-05-18 %k:31
8 895
China Teaching Z Visa
22-11-18 %k:16
7 780
Teaching in Australia - any advice??
12-09-16 %k:25
8 1.8K
NQT graduated in Ireland needs advice on working in UK
15-10-18 %k:05
5 724
Teaching Assistant work in London
18-11-18 %k:36
4 463
SCG classroom lesson
16-11-18 %k:44
0 163
Increments and Teaching Abroad
12-11-18 %k:10
0 217
Scg exam/ religion exam
10-10-18 %k:42
0 187
Irish Primary Teacher moving to New Zealand
04-05-16 %k:10
3 1.4K
Thinking of teaching in England
23-09-18 %k:50
3 569
TEFL in China. Your experiences?
21-01-14 %k:36
5 1.7K
Teaching abroad (Abu Dhabi)
22-09-18 %k:09
2 491
Irish books for sale
22-09-18 %k:00
0 184
SCG exam help!
20-09-18 %k:01
8 1.1K
Teaching council registration
30-08-18 %k:53
4 421
teaching abroad in Thailand
19-07-18 %k:26
0 298
37, no savings... Where to go?
11-07-18 %k:27
1 702
Teaching in France
24-06-18 %k:03
1 354
Teaching in Sharjah
18-06-18 %k:53
1 276
Celt courses louth/meath or dublin
29-04-18 %k:16
0 172
18-07-17 %k:10
1 497
Anyone do a PGDE (Primary) in Scotland or PGCE in Wales?
16-07-13 %k:35
18 3.7K
Teaching in Northern Ireland with Irish Qualifications?
07-04-18 %k:52
1 257
EFL jobs in Ireland - TEFL/CELTA Qualification query
27-03-18 %k:36
1 305
Teaching ESL Abroad - Home Country Recognition?
19-01-17 %k:01
7 795
teaching jobs in UAE
16-04-17 %k:48
3 1.1K