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The Ladies' Lounge

A forum to debate real life issues from a woman's perspective.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Where to go from here? (Fertility related)
20-11-23 12:28
1 262
Are you open about mental health?
13-11-23 18:59
2 352
Cervical check - polyps but no referral
29-10-23 20:27
2 273
Are there really that many creeps around?
16-10-23 8:58
3 1.1K
Planning a hen party - two course or three course meal?
05-09-23 17:00
2 273
Is it possible for friendships to last a lifetime?
28-08-23 12:17
23 1.3K
No strings attached fun & not happening
18-08-23 17:47
26 5.4K
Endometrial Hyperplasia - what have been your outcomes?
10-08-23 21:23
1 201
Do people look at single people weird?
09-08-23 16:26
7 921
Things that drive you mad about your husband
08-08-23 13:15
11 1.4K
I cat fished my ex
07-08-23 23:07
17 1.6K
Straight woman who dated a gay man.
29-07-23 9:48
0 302
Have you had a neck lift /tightening procedure?
22-07-23 18:25
0 91
One for the ladies in relationships
14-07-23 20:30
11 1.6K
Recommendations for nice casual clothes site
14-07-23 20:10
0 91
Menopause HRT
01-07-23 23:19
2 296
Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans DFSP Skin Cancer
29-06-23 22:27
0 71
Do you believe the majority of families either don't get on or put on a front in public?
15-06-23 9:09
3 1K
Cosmetic surgery in Turkey
01-06-23 20:58
9 928
Perimenopause and menopause
16-05-23 9:55
1 353
Absolutely heartbroken
11-05-23 18:10
4 1.4K
Would you disown your child?
18-04-23 8:06
6 952
Single too long
13-04-23 16:58
10 1.6K
Is it right to tell women they're attractive?
03-04-23 18:33
4 723
Hair - change in texture?
22-03-23 21:48
3 201
How close is your relationship with your mother?
11-03-23 16:40
2 321
I wonder when did irish people start using baby formula 123
01-03-23 19:40
113 8.8K
Loungers who Toga! Toga! Toga! 12...6364
25-02-23 13:44
3.2K 174.9K
Coming to terms with no kids turning 40 and relationship ending
21-02-23 14:00
6 2K
Free period products @ Lidl
18-02-23 17:16
1 211