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The Ladies' Lounge

A forum to debate real life issues from a woman's perspective.
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IVF and Med 1 expenses
09-01-20 17:06
1 424
05-01-20 21:20
1 669
Natural Cycles - Contraception Method
02-11-17 14:13
26 4.3K
G hotel Galway or Maryborough Cork?
28-12-19 16:58
5 1.1K
Fights over money ruining relationships...advice please.
08-12-19 13:25
20 4.6K
Cerazette alternatives?
08-12-19 15:50
2 609
Where do you go to meet people?
03-12-19 9:54
4 1.1K
Making a move on a guy
24-11-19 21:16
2 1.5K
Women and mortgages
08-08-19 12:05
20 5K
Match makers
25-11-19 18:31
1 673
Best bottom
24-11-19 11:08
11 1.7K
Do you think female teachers who have sex with students are rapists?
22-11-19 11:26
6 1.7K
Rejected and back in my kitchen 4 walls
22-11-19 22:10
2 1.1K
How much football does your OH watch? 123
20-11-19 21:08
103 5.4K
Brith Controll Combined Pill & Coldsores/blisters
19-11-19 19:42
1 343
Looking for some advice on a situation please?
18-11-19 21:16
0 632
27-08-19 9:39
34 3.8K
Ideal Husband
13-07-08 3:33
34 5.9K
To make contact or not......
02-11-19 15:01
8 1.8K
overprotective husband
27-10-19 15:09
10 2.2K
New friends in Galway
24-10-19 8:09
1 548
How did you accidentally get pregnant?
21-09-19 21:35
47 10.5K
Copper coil experiences ?
25-10-19 12:11
1 452
Waiting for breastcheck - how to not worry? 1234
02-07-13 18:48
161 53.8K
Penneys/Primark Face Masks, Good or bad for your face?
13-10-19 19:41
2 933
Reusable/Cloth pads
15-10-19 11:07
6 1.2K
Mommy Makeovers Turkey
13-10-19 6:59
1 541
date night - late 30s
06-10-19 20:58
4 1.3K
Pieta house?
05-10-19 20:48
4 809
Do I go for it?
22-09-19 6:57
4 1.8K