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Theatre, Performing Arts & Musicals

All the world's a stage.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Best seats to see Riverdance
24-07-08 18:10
2 4.9K
technician advice
29-06-10 23:28
2 835
18-07-10 15:26
1 627
Cirque Du Soleil
15-07-10 12:30
1 1.1K
any amatuer theatre groups in laois/carlow/kilkenny
29-06-10 15:56
2 2.3K
Jason Derulo at the academy
16-07-10 14:58
1 570
Good drama group?
12-07-10 14:38
4 1.4K
Break Dancing
12-07-10 10:45
0 556
Pole Dancing in Kilkenny
11-07-10 22:58
0 1.2K
Portrait Photograph Free
06-07-10 7:18
3 742
Movie xtras any good?
05-01-10 21:26
29 11.2K
melt festival berlin
05-07-10 13:19
0 520
When Harry met Sally
04-07-10 15:10
0 617
Bulmers comedy festival 2010
15-04-10 13:37
4 3K
Midsummer Night's Dream at Malahide Castle
01-07-10 16:20
0 817
Dublin Fringe are looking for you to help create their 2010 brochure cover
30-06-10 10:36
0 463
Looking for a good theatre show
04-05-10 12:19
5 1K
Review (a little late!) Little Gem (last chance to see)
22-02-10 18:32
1 786
Preist costume
23-06-10 16:07
2 701
24-06-10 22:42
0 517
Going to the theatre
08-06-10 23:03
2 849
17-06-10 22:04
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Re Festival parade.
16-06-10 10:51
2 595
Trainee doctors amateur drama group
01-06-10 3:48
1 1K
Tony Awards 2010
14-06-10 12:53
1 860
Blood Brothers by Willy Russell
26-05-10 11:15
4 1.2K
Performing Arts summer camps in Clare
11-06-10 10:45
0 834
Dancers/musicians needed for photography project
10-06-10 18:25
3 720
We need a video camera, does not need to work.
02-06-10 19:30
2 819
The Faces of - Presenters Search
27-05-10 14:58
0 832