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TU Dublin/DIT

Technological University Dublin; formerly Dublin Institute of Technology.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
25-03-09 19:37
3 588
Lost phone in kevin st campus
25-03-09 19:35
2 468
22-03-09 21:28
7 1.2K
What exactly is a distinction?
16-03-09 16:18
13 1.5K
Poll on Audio Recording Education.
20-03-09 14:08
0 356
1st year DT249 part time rollcall
24-09-08 11:51
20 2.5K
Who'd you vote for?
24-02-09 23:27
50 4.2K
Having bands in the Kevin St. Snackery...
10-03-09 13:20
8 869
DIT Rag week!
16-03-09 11:15
7 1.4K
Business Computing
16-03-09 10:14
4 827
Cathal Brugha Street Catering Students 1967-1968
21-04-08 15:38
6 3.5K
Next Years First Years
14-03-09 20:11
2 663
DIT Fashion Show Vicar Street, Wednesday 11th March
09-03-09 22:56
2 778
DIT Cricket Club
10-03-09 16:53
0 878
Grinds In Law
08-03-09 15:48
1 682
Bolton street wifi.
06-03-09 16:39
0 419
How long did it take you to complete undergrad dissertation?
05-03-09 19:38
1 603
New Computers in Kevin St
04-03-09 17:22
19 1.6K
DT006 3rd year exams
03-03-09 17:01
4 594
Food in the Brugha???
03-03-09 16:08
8 673
RAG week 9th of March
28-02-09 12:10
13 1.2K
Failing and repeat questions
03-03-09 20:21
2 412
gamesoc texts
02-03-09 23:29
4 598
Automotive management/technology and transport operations courses?
21-05-08 19:03
16 3.7K
Library and Computer Labs in Aungier St
01-03-09 11:20
2 700
02-03-09 21:04
3 722
DIT Soccer
01-03-09 22:56
1 653
Exam results 12
29-01-09 15:09
74 9.4K
MyDit Emails deleted
25-02-09 8:13
27 2.1K
Buying Pandora Battery and Memory Stick
26-02-09 4:47
4 656