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Linux, MacOS, BSD and other unix-based operating systems.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
any body got any news on steam for linux 12...1516
24-04-16 0:02
788 43.7K
Openelec forked to LibreElec
13-04-16 8:59
7 492
Ubuntu Meizu PRO 5 phone
17-02-16 17:40
4 408
xorg problems - looking for help
19-03-16 13:37
14 938
Dual Boot Windows 10 + linux mint 17.3 info thoughts
10-03-16 16:14
5 499
Help with suspend/restart and splashscreen
23-02-16 7:34
1 363
Looking for advice for a new PC
05-03-16 13:23
2 295
Networking question
01-03-16 12:47
5 411
Informix IDS Migration - Solaris to Linux
26-01-16 18:07
4 412
Browse filesystem on another Linux machine on LAN
14-02-16 11:09
14 475
DevOps Tools
13-01-16 22:37
8 778
Small PCs with Linux preinstalled
15-02-16 11:46
4 382
RTE tv player not working in live mode linux mint
21-01-16 0:37
5 1.2K
Need to use a USB drive for operating system
02-12-15 18:46
11 870
Help with script/weather station project
16-12-15 10:01
13 1.4K
Linux on media player
16-01-16 10:57
2 492
Sharing openvpn connection
05-01-16 11:31
2 558
Debian founder dies
31-12-15 1:03
4 645
Vodafone ethernet connection asking for 802.1x password
26-12-15 16:15
0 453
OS top 10s
20-12-15 18:26
7 745
Port forwarding question - SSH tunnelling?
28-10-15 10:06
15 1.4K
virtual box configuration
08-12-15 14:23
2 516
Linux on USB stick to transfer data between EXT4 drives on Windows PC
26-11-15 5:18
9 660
Anywhere in Dublin that sells MagPi magazine?
26-11-15 12:53
5 763
Raspberry Pi relay board
11-11-15 14:11
5 702
Preparing for a fresh install - Fedora 23
02-11-15 11:05
4 479
Securing a Ubuntu based system.
18-11-15 12:45
2 434
Need a new challenge
17-10-15 10:30
29 1.8K
07-02-15 19:26
13 1.2K
Dirty pages in /proc/meminfo
04-11-15 16:16
1 442