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Job offered (for a change)
05-06-01 2:41
8 647
04-06-01 2:51
2 634
Time Traveller wanted
03-06-01 23:09
6 602
Thinking of moving....
01-06-01 23:45
16 1.4K
Website for Irish freelancers
01-06-01 19:47
0 1.3K
accomondation in ennis
30-05-01 23:30
16 1.1K
Rent A Coder
28-05-01 16:19
0 735
Recruitment fair - this Sunday - Dublin
28-05-01 7:33
1 712
Phone interview !?
25-05-01 13:31
9 836
anyone lookng for a Nt Netowrk admin or Desktop jockey ?
24-05-01 23:53
19 717
quiting a job
24-05-01 22:19
1 831
international drivers permit
24-05-01 14:41
4 807
We all have one
22-05-01 23:45
9 649
Working today =
21-05-01 13:20
1 755
Summer Work (just had to do it)
21-05-01 12:43
3 763
Construction advice available
20-05-01 16:14
2 757
wanna manage a cyber cafe??
19-05-01 15:53
5 718
loads of jobs here
19-05-01 14:01
4 3.2K
Summer Work (again)
18-05-01 18:17
3 630
17-05-01 23:03
7 790
x-box developer
14-05-01 15:58
9 621
Good Summer Job?
14-05-01 9:03
1 659
workplace ettiquete?
14-05-01 0:12
14 1.2K
Anyone know of somewhere i could work for the summer?
13-05-01 23:38
6 657
Eircom staff demand "Jobs for LIFE"
13-05-01 12:28
8 1.4K
Job Advice?
11-05-01 18:26
4 680
good s/w jobs link
05-05-01 18:43
0 613
On Call Payments (salary)?
04-05-01 20:30
2 1.1K
Hltm work ?
04-05-01 9:58
28 1.3K
what do you do? 12
03-05-01 23:28
92 2.4K