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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Covid Problems
22-09-20 21:06
0 387
How to get in the mind set of doing what suits you, not what suits the company
13-09-20 9:30
10 2.1K
Where do I stand?
08-09-20 13:29
8 2.3K
Is my manager discriminating against me because I was out on sick leave?
31-08-20 14:21
12 3K
Payroll not processing overtime and subsistence due to staff shortages 12
01-09-20 13:22
91 5.8K
Team connectivity/collaboration during lockdown
09-09-20 9:30
6 903
Overpaid monthly salary
08-09-20 22:44
14 2.4K
New Job was Misleading 12
25-08-20 16:24
68 13.5K
Outrageous message
08-09-20 21:20
13 3.2K
Freelancer rights
09-09-20 16:27
15 830
Quitting a job I’m not happy in
02-09-20 10:46
26 3.5K
I don't like going to work anymore
07-09-20 14:57
3 1.2K
New job medical
07-09-20 20:04
9 829
Workplace group texting 12
08-09-20 12:39
92 11.3K
Handing in notice prior to securing new job
01-09-20 13:23
14 1.4K
Employer withdrawing sick pay in breach of own policy
04-09-20 17:48
38 3.8K
8.5 hour work day 12
31-07-20 13:48
63 11.9K
Can my manager send me home early from a shift even I don’t want to leave
09-08-20 13:31
9 4.3K
Employment laws
27-08-20 12:08
5 771
Redundancy consultation period
21-08-20 11:05
3 735
Old workplace publishing my work without my permission
21-08-20 14:52
7 2.9K
Work Problem 123
25-07-20 21:00
126 16.9K
Permanent v temp
24-08-20 10:06
10 1.1K
Uncovered maternity
13-08-20 2:36
5 1.6K
Holiday pay
21-08-20 18:30
4 882
Advice, applied for public sector job
29-07-20 19:51
36 5.3K
Covid19 Work New Responsibilities
13-08-20 13:29
5 1.2K
Colleague defrauded in work – who pays? 12
13-07-20 22:01
62 10.4K
Job problem
04-08-20 22:28
26 3.9K
Applying Week in Hand after 10 Years
29-06-20 17:58
16 2.9K