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Work Problems

Problems that people are facing in work and how to deal with them [Anonymous posting allowed]
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Transfers/Swaps HSE Allied Health Professionals
06-09-17 17:34
0 483
Employess to be docked for accepting fake notes
06-09-17 17:09
8 1.2K
Annual Leave and Notice
05-09-17 14:24
0 422
Unexpected shift change, unsure if I have any rights
29-08-17 16:14
4 1.4K
Leaving job and annual leave entitlements.
30-08-17 15:46
4 972
Disregarding notice period
27-08-17 13:50
10 1.5K
What's the point of having blame centric project management if nobody gets pulled up?
01-09-17 9:40
2 691
Shift change but not being offered the same deal as Manufacturing
31-08-17 21:41
4 803
I applied for a job and I'm nervous!
24-08-17 16:12
6 1.4K
Boston Scientific
25-08-17 9:52
1 1K
Holiday pay when leaving job?
21-08-17 22:28
4 1.7K
Co-worker taking pictures of me without permission
24-08-17 10:04
4 3K
How many chances to give new employee?
16-08-17 17:57
12 3.5K
No work contract
21-08-17 20:35
7 752
I'm I worrying over nothing
08-08-17 23:26
6 2.5K
Unfair treatment at work
22-08-17 1:43
8 1.5K
Changes to Maternity Leave Policy
21-08-17 11:35
0 572
Dtrong Pain In Shoulder while working...
16-08-17 12:19
11 1.2K
Part time rights in relation to cut hours/contracts
19-08-17 12:16
2 484
Notice Period - help
17-08-17 14:02
15 1.4K
Using annual leave for doctors appointment
16-08-17 10:25
4 1.5K
Pulled a fast one?
08-08-17 15:38
5 2.3K
Deciding to leave my job
15-08-17 22:02
1 858
Very difficult notice period
13-08-17 22:16
3 1.6K
Is this bullying?
06-12-16 23:24
14 4K
Background Check
01-08-17 0:52
9 1.7K
Employee won't work notice
25-07-17 18:39
27 6K
PSA Licence/Garda Vetting
18-07-17 16:30
10 2.9K
Work medical question
20-07-17 19:09
6 1.3K
Workplace query?
04-08-17 10:03
1 744