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Sla Rpg - Game Turns



  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Jason Stiners Turn:

    - - - - - -

    Jason targets the darknight terrorist and follows tank up the ramp firing blind over his shoulder in the general direction of the terrorist

    - - - - -

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Change of Plan apologies im off on holidays tonight i'll have internet access until thursday morning so if there's anything outstanding to be done best ask me now as i could probably squeeze out the next game turn on wednesady night

    game continues Sept 8th

    again apologies (doesnt stop you from posting on the COMS channel while im gone) I'll Email/PM you all when the game is back on again


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    Trusting his team mates to take care of any enemies Gaunt wastes no time looking around and sprints up the open ramp after Tank, half dragging the last remaining scientist along with him.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 1,266 ✭✭✭Rnger

    Byuu runs up the ramp following Gaunt. Turns half way up the ramp, sniper rifle in hand, crouches down on one knee and opens fire on the hanging DarkKnight.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Spirit awakens from her reverie staring at the guard lying prone at the Sulako entrance, and looks at Zmek. For a moment her lip sets stubbornly, but then looking back to the guard's body which seems to be radiating a growing pool of blood (blood angels anyone?), and then to the welcoming safety of the rest of the ship beckoning her onwards, she quickly relents. Keeping herself low, she darts away from the ship entrance, cautiously progressing with the intention of securing the bridge.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Yaaaay everyones posted

    sorry for all leaving you on a cliff hanger im back from holidays friday morning so i will post the next game reply deff by sat day morning at the latest.

    cya ya all soon

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    And now we return to our next thrilling instalment of DEATH ABOVE MORT!!!

    - - - - -
    Game turn 14

    A plethora of shots ring out from different directions as various members of the team provide covering fire for one another as they make a tactical withdrawal up the cargo ramp to the safety of the Sulako. The sniper attached to the roof is frantically trying to reach the safety of a metal beam along the roof as shots ping all around him. The general consensus of the team is that you shoot and keep on shooting him until you wound him so much that he's not able to shoot back, unfortunately for the Darknight terrorists one of the shots strays off target and slices clean through his safety harness and you watch mesmerized as the terrorist plunges 120ft screaming to his death.

    the other terrorist is no where in sight as the last of you makes a mad dash into the safety of the sulako spirit reaches the command deck and orders the pilot to take off immediately. All the science crew and equipment is accounted for as you take your seats the giant engines of the sulako roar into life and without clearance or permission your ship rockets out of the docking ring within seconds the engines at maximum burn causing untold damage to the area around the docking ring but at this point you think to youself's what does it matter as in minutes if you don't reach minimum safe distance your toast anyway!!

    you can hear the stormer slowly counting down to himself as the seconds stretch away into agonizing minutes you start thinking to yourself "that's it were doomed we didn't make it" as shuttle hurtles father and father away from mort the pilot tells you if you were try to make a re-entry while the station went critical the shock wave would knock you out of trajectory and you'd all burn up which is why your heading out into space,

    from behind you there is a distant BOOM and a mushroom cloud appears in orbit where the station once was

    The explosion rolls out into space like an oil slick fire sleeking and oozing in every direction "aaahhh fire in zero G" zmek thinks to himself "is there nothing more beautiful.....or deadly" thankfully your ship manages to avoid the ensuing shockwave in the wake of the explosion and your ship makes a 180 Degree turn and heads back in the direction of MORT

    "that" says tank "was the most expensive fireworks display Ive ever seen"

    [end of turn]

    - - - - -

    there are now 2 game turns before you reach the safety of mort's atmosphere again you don't have to do anything but if you want to do a patrol of the ship while you here let me know

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Oblivious of the remainder of the crew and the scientists as they staggered and darted past him on the cargo ramp Zmek reached out into the space between the muzzle of his assault rifle and the terrorist with his mind, feeling each bullet tear through the smoke laiden air of the docking ring.

    Beneath his ill-fitting disguise the enemy still wore light armour whch absorbed many of the shots, unbalancing him and preventing any return of fire but for a few wild sprays of bullets that did little more than add to the smoke and sparks dancing around him as he desperately fought for escape.

    Clear among the ricochets and explosions the sharp "snikk!" of the tether as it severed could be heard and with it came the sudden change of expression on the face of the terrorist. Betrayed by the artificial gravity that had so recently failed and been restored on board the station, he watched as the cieling began to recede, the glare of lights soon obscuring the still dangling end of the climbing cord.

    A few more fortunate shots continued to thud into his armour or whine away in deflection from the hard points on his weapons but these were ignored now as the deck shot up to greet him in a final innevitable clash.

    Zmek smiled as he watched the shock wave pass through the body as it bounced slightly and he imagined the shattering bones trapped within the encasing armour, their broken shards ripping muscle and flesh, but his smile was short lived as the cackling roar of the Sulako's engines came to life and the cargo ramp upon which he knelt tilted backwards shutting off his view of the remaining chaos.

    He braced himself against the hull against the sudden acceleration and looked around him to see who was nearby. Most people seemed occupied with steadying themselves against the violent motion as the ship made its escape.

    Waiting until the initial manouvres were complete and the ship's movements steadied he slipped the assault rifle back below his coat and pushed himself away from the bulkhead, moving hand over hand along the rail towards the main passenger area in search of the remainder of the squad.

    He comms the squad "Did we get all the valuables on board?...Did we leave anyone behind? That was really rather fun don't you think...."

    Arriving in the main passenger area Zmek looks over to where the observation ports are but rather than take a look outside he heads for a refreshment trolly that lies on its side in the aisle, picks up a plastic cup and scoops up a few cubes of ice that don't look too dirty. Collapsing into a flight seat nearby to breath in the cool vapours he comms again "Tal, do your sharp eyes see any sign of the stealth ship outside or did it go up with the station?"

    A thin man with glasses whinces as a medic plucks broken glass from his hand in the seat opposite where Zmek has chosen to sit. He flashes his fangs at the injured scientist "ooo that looks tasty, save me the juicy pieces won't you?"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'Einea did wait to see the terrorist fall but her grin widened as she heard the thud crunch behind her as she swept onto the ship.

    She herded the last of the lab rats into seats and then once the hatch is closes ,
    she walks about the ship inspecting to see could it have been tamper with in a hurry. She then peers out the side portal watching the station receed.

    Her breath catches as she watches the explosion light up the dark of space obsuring the stars. She looks for the out line of the stealth ship againt the light.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    As Tali looks out the window at the pryotechinal display of lights she notices a dark shilloutte of a craft leaving the station in the same direction as you it looks like its heading your way..........

    She quickly coms the rest of the team not wanting the LAb rats to hear and start panicing.

    " INCOMMING , stealth ship active and apperntly intact , lets round up and stuff the lab rats in a closet or toilet so they dont get underfoot. and how about we find some way to obsure these windows for as far as we know the DT's remaiing are ebon and we dotn want to give them line of sithgt into the ship. Dont hink we are going to be able to out run them "

    She strolls over to Smekie, grins down at him. "What you recon the odds on knocking our tail way from us and the rebounding force considering we are in relativefrictionless space giving us a shove to shift us planetside a damn sight quicker ? "

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    Squall watches as the terrorist falls to his death, his Shaktar ears picking up the crunch of bone and tear of flesh. He turns and runs up the ramp grabbing a falling scientist and hauling him to his feet. "Run, fool"

    The Sulako lurches to and fro freeing itself from the grasp of the stations docking arms with its powerful plasma drive. Squall braces himself against the shifting gee forces and makes his way towards a seat big enough to fit his 2 metre frame.

    *Squall hears Tal'Eanias coms message*

    "Alright you heard her, Chairs tables, whatevers available. Get those windows covered. *He gets up from his chair grabs it with both hands and tears it from the decking to he sound of grinding metal and slams it to the nearest bulkhead window*.

    "If you can get us down any faster do it"

    "Prepare weapons to repel a boarding party. HP or standard rounds only. And no explosives"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Tanks Game Turn

    - - - - - -

    On hearing Squall and Tali's order tank looks around for the closest object thats not welded to the floor, tank selects the largest table in the room and lifts the table over to the nearest window and blocks it. Looking around at the rest of the squads effort to block various View ports and window Tank then heads off showgun drawn in the direction of the airlock to make a barricade there in case the terrorists try to make a forceable entry into the ship as Squall Said they might

    - - - - - -

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Stieners turn

    - - - - -

    Stiener Turns to Dr raynes and says "if you will be so kind as to gather your fellow science team and follow me please" Then leads the group of down a corridor

    *COMS the team*

    "im leading the science crew to the forward observation deck from the plans it seems the fartherst point away from the airlocks and its a small enough area so if they beat us back this far the surviving members of our team can stage a last stand in the smallest part of the ship seems easy enough to defend i'll report back when im there ........ Stiener out"

    Leading the science crew away with weapon drawn in case there are any surprises awating them when they get to the forward observation deck stiener calms himself and move on....

    - - - - -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    "I'll head down to the airlock too. Might be able to disable it and buy a little time. Speaking of which," looking at Squall. "Can the captain of this ship keep us posted on where the stealth ship is?"
    Jogs after Tank.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Not sure /exactly/ where she is, Spirit listens to the comm chatter while progressing through the ship. On hearing instructions to talk to the pilot, she heads what she hopes is bridgewards, following the route of what she decides are important looking people rather than any particular signage (which doesn't seem to be available). A short few minutes later, she notices a doorway through which many of the crew seem to be progessing.

    Satisfied with her logic, Spirit smirks to herself and walks through the doorway leading to ... the canteen. Performing a casual about turn, Spirit heads back out and continues her quest for the bridge.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    [Game turn 15]

    With the ships engines at maximum, the sulako hurtles at break neck speeds through the cold dark emptyness of space heading for the planet mort. close on its tail a next to invisible against the blackness of space the stealth ships is closing in fast on its prey.....

    As the team of weary SLA operatives meet in the passenger area (with the exception of spirit who is somewhere near the kitchens 5 decks below the command deck) the COMS system becomes active and the team hear the following:

    "Attention this is the captian speaking....i eerrgghh have a message for the operatives aboard this ship. [you hear him mutter to himself "i didnt even know we HAD operatives on this ship"]
    It reads surrender the package and all information relating to the package to us in a lifepod immediatly or we will destroy your ship - message ends"
    there is a slight pause from the captian "we show no ships on radar so can someone please tell me what the hell is going on??"

    with that you hear the captian say "Oh 5h1t someones got a lock on us what the hell is going on!!"


    [end of turn]

    - - - - - - -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Without waiting for any further response from the squad leader Zmek heads towards the escape pods. Aware that comms may be being scanned he open comms Steiner "Steiner, you heard the order, bring Dr Raynes and the cargo to the escape pods immediately to comply with the instruction from the hailing ship. We have to do whatever we can to safeguard these poor people....quickly man, for Mort's sake"....

    Arriving at the pod air locks he barks at three young men standing nearby looking like they're doing their best to stay out of trouble. "You, you and you" he stabs at them with a gloved index finger, "I need you to help me clear out this escape pod so we can fit the cargo inside, quickly!! Get in there now!!"

    He pokes the door release button of the nearest pod and gestures the three bewildered scientists inside. Once they are in he will follow them inside, and draws his side arm.

    "Oops! Silly me, I forgot to mention, you are the cargo. Now, sit down, strap in and stay quiet." Covering them with his FEN he comms the other members of the squad on an open channel "Squad leader, I have the escape pod ready to accept the cargo, keep all other personnel clear of the loading area...we don't want to delay the transaction a moment more than is necessary".

    Taking in the confused and frightened looks on the faces of his captives he says lightly "Relax. Just a little trip.....exciting isn't it?"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Stiners Turn

    - - - - - - -

    On Hearing Squalls order and Zmek's COM Steiner asks Dr Raynes "can you please assist me in bringing the package to the lifepod" and with that begins to load the package onto a trolly with Raynes protests falling on deaf ears. begins to gather the package and contents and trots off towards the life pods

    - - - - - - - -

    One more thing

    - - - - -

    Ranyes moves over to squall and starts protesting

    "please You cant be serious in giving them this research equipment, you have no idea of the ramafications of what you are doing. If darknight get there hands on this package it could mean the death of every brain waster and ebon in the known universe" raynes pauses for a moment only to catch his breath and then says "i know you might have a plan but believe me if it fails were are ALL doomed, it will lead to the ultimate downfall of SLA ind if they get there hands on this package"

    etc etc etc etc blah blah blah!! (you get the point)

    - - - - - - -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    *Tanks turn

    Tank COMS Squall "rodger that im on my way" on hearing Squalls orders tank heads away form the kitchen still with half a cooked chicken in his mouth saliva and drool all over the carcess of the chicken tank starts whistling a happy tune whilst crunching on the bones of the chicken and he heads in the direction of the lifepods glaring at the cheif as he leaves daring him to try and take the chicken away from him.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Spotting Tank heading away from the kitchens, (which Spirit had already discovered did not in fact house the bridge), Spirit tagged along in the milling crowds following him back to the others.

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    After taking a white lab coat from one of the scientists Gaunt paused at the escape pod- "Well I'll be damned if I am oing to wait here to find out what happens to me..." - and steps in.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    i'll be posting two game turns in a row so nobody post anything just yet ok......

    Team 1:


    Team 2

    Tal' Einea

    [Game Turn 16]

    Team 1's game turn:

    There is a flurry of motion as science crew move in and out of the POD making it safe to transport the package. once work is complete you all board the pod and strap in. 3-2-1.... there is a sudden rush as you are pushed back into your seat as the G-force exerted pushes you clear of the sulako you hear the stormer murmer "ooooo i think im gonna be sick...knew i shouldnt have eaten that chicken before i left"
    as the Pod moves further and further away from the sulako you can hear over the COMS channel which is directed at the sulako:

    "we are commencing scan of the lifepod now no funny busniess if you've double crossed us we wont hesitate to destory your ship and the pod"

    from indside the pod right above your current position you can see a haze like effect (like the predator's cloaking effect from the movie)
    suddenly there is a shimmer as the ship decloaks and what you see terrifies you, its not a scout ship or a stealth ship built for hiding as you thought but instead you see the weapons systems on this ship could punch a hole through a necanthrope battle cruiser this is a war ship!!! they begin to scan the pod ................................................minutes pass........................

    you hear on the COMS channel "the pod seems clean and we are detecting ebb traces on board that means the package is on board thank you your services are no longer required"

    "Interesting" says one of the science crew "the Ebb emmissions from the package must be interefering with there scans an interesting side effect dont you think!!" *Jots something down on a peice of paper"*

    the stealth ship begins a docking sequance with the POD but just as it starts too you see it fire 3 missles in the direction of the sulako!!

    [End Game Turn]

    Team 2

    there isnt really anything you can do but watch as the life pod floats away from the sulako out into space you hear the captian say "thats it we will be entering MORTS atmosphere in minutes were alomst home i think were going to make it!! you can see the pod from you position and suddenly there is a shimmer as the ship de-cloaks and begins a scan of the POD nothing happens!!! Tali thinks to her self "hmmmm they didnt detect the humans!! strange" once they begin docking sequance you see the ship FIRE 3 missles in your direction!!!!!!

    you hear the captian say "were taking evsave manuvers firing chaff"
    the chaff acts as a decoy for 2 of the missles but the other one slams home hitting the bottom level of the sulako!! the ship rocks and rolls about the place as tali thinks to herself yip right about now!!!

    [end of turn]

    i'll be posting another game turn the follow up to this in 2 hrs i have some work to do the next game turn will be out at 2:30am


  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    There isnt anything team 2 can do but stay on the sulako and wait and see if they win!!

    I am sorry about the lack of detail but if i were to actually write out the combat rounds as they happened it would probably take up 5 or 6 pages!!! so here is the shortened down version of what happened!!

    [Game turn 16a]

    As the doors to the lifepod are opened gaunt and the 3 scientists stand up and go over to the door as the blast doors are pulled back the dark night terrorists are totally in awe "who the hell are you??" one of the science crew says "were scientists sent to unload the package"
    the DN terrorists seem to think about this for a second "eerrgghh ok so" there are totally oblivious to the other occupants of the ship as you look into the battle cruiser there are actually 6 other terrorists in there 4 of them appear to be brain waster or ebon!! your totally out numbered totally out gunned but you have the element of surprise so you take it.....

    ....... then something particular happens!! the package starts to hum, the noise gets louder and louder electrical discharge streaks off the package and hits the walls of the POD!! one of the terrorists yells "what the hell is going on" as a massive wave of ebb hits the POD and package seems to suck in on itself above the whirr and noise you hear one of the science crew yell something then the world goes white...........

    squall is the first to wake up!! you all lying on the deck of the battle cruiser you've all been thrown out of the life pod and into the main cargo bay, there isnt anything left of the life POD just a twisted hunk of metal thats still somehow managed to hold together its hull integrity could have been something to do with the package maybe which you can see has somehow transported itself out of the pod and its floating in SPACE!!!!

    some the ebons and brain wasters are down unconscious including zmek, that leaves 3 of you versus 5 of them with no ebb users!!

    you still have the element of surprise as most people are still down on the deck disorientated so you take it........

    [begin combat]

    Round 1:

    Squall comes up with machine gun blazing there are 4 targets you pick the closest which is an ebon and round you gun on him you hit him above the left shoulder which sends him spinning around! tank is the next up
    and brings his shotgun to bear on the other ebb user thats up and conscious a brain waster!! BLAM BLAM hitting him square in the chest, these terrorists are heavily armoured so the armour absorbed alot of the damage Zmek is only now beginning to stir as gaunt comes up from the deck and starts shooting again at one of the ebons!! again hitting him as if you can keep them from channelling you might just get out of this alive.

    Round 2:
    Zmek is up now holding his head with a look of pure rage on his face and starts to channel ebb the plan will be to keep them off zmek long enough for him to channel blast attacks.....seems as good as any, zmeks face contorted with anger as he begins the calculations for channelling.
    this time the commander of the ship comes down onto the cargo deck....he's a shaktar!!! takes one look at Squall and issues a death challenge to him in shaktar!! (basically squall if you don't accept it will shame your honour!!) Squall and the other shaktar begin there dance of death with swords drawn screaming at each other in shaktar!!
    this leaves gaunt and tank to try and hold off the other attackers!!

    shots ring out all over the cargo bay and both gaunt and tank are hit in the legs and chest again and again by the defenders (your both wearing body armour relax your not dead just injured) the ebon and brain waster are you primary targets luckily your attempts are successful as zmek is still untouched

    round 3:

    tank and gaunt together manage to bring down both ebb users to the ground in a hail of bullets both ebb users are critically hit meanwhile zmek gets hit from behind by one of the attackers that managed to out flank you. with amazing mental control zmek doesn't even flinch even though he's been wounded bleeding his mind totally focused on creating the blast!! squall and the shaktar commander have both traded blow for blow and are evenly matched both bleeding from a number of cuts and bruises you can hardly keep up with them as they fight back and forth between the crates and boxes in the cargo bay!!

    round 4:

    last round for zmek to stay focused and then boom!!

    zmek again is hit from that human from behind but his armour saves most of the damage and still manages to keep it together the effort visible on zmeks face as he tries to stop the power of the ebb from searing his mind blank tank draws his power swords running screaming at the human attacking zmek that leaves the last human standing for gaunt to deal with. shots ring out again as tank and gaunt are hit in various parts of the torso, by the two remaining humans alive bleeding quiet badly but still able to fight tank and gaunt trade shots with the terrorists hitting them in the upper torso!, and then you hear laughing...a twisted wheezing laugh full contempt and rage it sounds like the laugh of a madman!! you realize that zmek has stopped chanting and is looking directly at the 2 darknight humans!! you both dive to one side and the actual air around the humans turns to fire! burning them, hurting them....killing them. An area effect of 5 meters is blasted by pure force of energy as the humans are picked up and hurled back into crates they still are alive amazingly but this makes them easy targets for you too off one of them manages to get a shot off at tank wounding him quiet severely (might have hit near your heart) as the stormer hits the deck unconscious (your not dead......yet)

    round 5:

    (actually your battle went on another 4 rounds but we'll finish it now squall)

    locked in mortal combat sweat mixed with blood pours down squalls brow!!as comrades fall on either side both shaktar whirling around with blade and fist bared blow after blow reigns down as fate would have in the end it is squalls blade that hits home sliding through a chink the commanders armour you feel it hit bone and fatal hit you know this to be true. As the commander sides down your blade the hatred in his eyes gone replaced with respect for an adversary that has beaten him. he mutters to you in shaktarian "live free die well" he seems to be glad that it was a shaktar that beat him as he dies you wrench your blade free and look around the cargo bay.

    both yourself and gaunt are badly wounded and tank needs immediate medical treatment or he'll die with zmek the only one not really covered in scars he's been hit alright and is bleeding but he seems to be enjoying the shaktar in your blood takes over and you scream a war cry......a war cry of victory!!!

    [end of turn]

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    *Squall chants a few quiet few Shaktar tribal rites over the body of his vanquished apponent, then looks arond to survey the scene*

    "Zmek, The stormer needs your healing, he may not survive till the Sulako docks"

    "Gaunt, your with me, we need to secure the bridge and prepare for docking. Contact the Sulako and tell them make best speed to rendevouz.......and tell they Ebon her healing skills are needed"

    *Squall places his Katana in the crook of his arm and heads for the bridge, adrenaline replaced by weariness as the battle lust subsides*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek remains in a stance of readiness, weak and panting but with a slight smile at his handiwork. He looks over to Gaunt "Pff!! Suicide mission!"

    Looking around for the possibility of any new attackers his eyes eventually fall on the stormer. He raises his eyes "Why do they make them so big?" he asks no-one in particular " easy to hit"

    He strolls over, non too hurried, assessing the stormer's injuries visually as he proceeds "So the race is on...blood loss versus the legendary stormer regenerative process, it would almost be fun to watch......."

    As he walks the pain from his own injuries begins to seap through the barrier of battle rage and he winces slightly, stopping and feeling his back. He looks at the blood on his gloved hand "Damned humans and their guns..."

    He squats down beside Tank and pulls off a glove to reveal a pale, boney hand with sinuous fingers that he uses to probe the most serious of the stormer's wounds. "Hmmm...that one will kill you if left untended....but the others will regenerate".

    He looks up watching the package floating in the cargo bay "Did the Sulako survive the missile strikes? Or more to the point did anyone on the Sulako survive the missile strikes? If she's still manouverable we could use a pilot over here soon......" he looks up and surveys the cargo bay "well this should earn us a little credibility with SLA when we come home with a Darknight warship and a heap of dead terrorists in tow"

    He sigh slightly and looks back at Tank "Alright stormer...we haven't completed this mission yet and we may need your abilities at catching enemy fire again".

    Zmek utilises his healing kill to stem the flow of blood from the main injuries, not expending any more energy than is necessary to prevent the stormer's death and leaving all minor ijuries to be regenerated on their own.

    Once completed he moves away to a corner, partially obscured by some crates to tend to his own injuries....the other crew don't see that he checks to ensure that no-one is watching before he raises his naked hand in front of his face, looking at the stormer blood trickle down his fingers before bringing the same hand to his mouth to remove the blood.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Just want to point out that the package in space not floating in the cargo bay!

    but all in all i think that turned out rather well, but just to let you know there's 2 ebon dark night terrorists alive and unconsious in the cargo bay!!

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali goes and talks to the capt to get a tractor beam on the stealth ship so that the squad can come home under thier own steam rather then having to send out an assist signal.

    " might be best Capt if you signal a head
    and tell Andrews that we have a captured a dark Knight ship and we may need assitance. "

    Tali then looks out the window at the floating package , and then starts the calculations to teleport to the package.

    Her hair stands on as she pull in as much flux as she can to make the jump there and back as fast as possible.

    She opens her eyes grinning,
    ' this will either work or I die, or we all die; ' .

    She applies endure cold , exhales , closes her eyes and she is there with the package in space...................................

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Following Tali to the bridge, Spirit surveys the extent of the damage. The rag tag melange of bridge consoles and equipment (the captain must have aquired replacements from a number of second hand ship yards over the years), are either blinking red warning lights or emitting showers of sparks. Looking more than a little woosie headed, but also quite affronted that anyone would attack HIS ship, the captain shouts out orders to nearby staff who scurry to put out fires and bring order to the apparent chaos.

    After watching the conversation between Tali and the captain regarding the possibility of applying a tractor beam to the Dark Knight ship, Spirit watches some some trepidation as Tali focuses on reaching out for the flux energies. Conscious of the unpredictable results of interrupting someone who is calling on the flux, Spirit quells her concerns and allows the taste of environmental flux to wash over her, with more than a passing interest in how the operation progresses.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    Gaunt limped after the Shaktar toward the bridge where he collapsed at the nearest console. With his breath coming in gasps he rips off his body armour and lets the uselessly shattered mess fall to the ground before slapping a self adhesive bandage to his leg wound.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Team 1's game turn
    tank's major wounds are healed by the brain waster as cold shiver passes down your spine as zmek heals the leathal hit to tanks vital organs

    As the rest of mobile team members of team 1 begin to secure the stealth ship no other resistant is encountered the 2 surviving members of the terrorists both of which are human are bound gagged and locked in the stealths ships brig the team begin to wonder who first of all there going to get the package which is right now floating in space and 2nd how there going to get back to mort's surface which is so teasingly close if you look out of the port side windows you can see the palents surface (well the rain clouds anyway) it almost brings a tear to your eye

    you hear on the COMS channel the captian of the Sulako
    "stay tight were going to tractor you in and haul you back to MORT andrews airforce base has been informed of our situation and will be ready for us hold on while i move into position to tractor you in - this is the sulako...out"

    [end of turn]

    Team 2's game turn

    from the bridge of the sulako stiener, spirit and Tali watch helplessly as the package drifts further and further into space with no hope of a resuce from other ships for if you did that the package would be swallowed by the deeps of space never to been seen again both spirit and stiener both turn to look with a look of shock as tali begins to focus and start channeling ebb suddenly you see tali opening her eyes grinning, and says
    ' this will either work or I die, or we all die;

    and she diseappears....................

    Tali suddenly finds herself in the cold harsh void of space eyes squeezed shut breath exhaled the silence is deafaning she feels herself being crushed by some unknown force its like someone is trying to turn you inside out groping around in the dark the life slowly seeping out of you your hands grasp around the package still with steady nevers (yes you passed your cool test)
    you begin the complex calcuations to teleport yourself back to the sulako twice you nearly loose control but manage to steady yourself and remain focused you are one enitre round in the deepness of space and with your last gasp of breath you finish your calcuations to teleport and the world goes black...............

    Spirit who is on the deck of the sulako watches in awe and horror while the brain waster of all people should risk there life so bravly and teleport themselves into space and what returns to the ship
    is the almost lifeless body of Tali, amazingly the brain waster is still alive against all odds, and statitcs and probability she's still breathing.....

    tali collapses to the deck still grasping tightly as her hands go numb allowing you to get the package a safe enough distance from Tali the only question now is does spirit has the flux and mantal stamina left to try to heal Tali before what ever life thats left in her empty shell slips away................

    [End of Turn]


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