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Sla Rpg - Game Turns



  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    There is little Zmek can do to aid the situation, being (in this incarnation) unable to pilot the vessel or operate any of the instruments that flash and chirp cryptic messages from consoles on the bridge and he cares little for gazing into space from the viewing ports.

    Instead he skulks away alone to the crew's living quarters to poke around amongst the terrorist's belongings for trinkets or interesting weapons. Eventually he finds a dark corner into which he can slump, silent and secret to concentrate on his own healing.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    Finishing the sweep of the ship, Squall begins to look around for a medpac to treat his still bleeding wounds.

    He felt great pride at his, and though he was suprised to be admiting it, the squads actions. They had done much in the past day that would have caused many to faulter. But the mission isnt over yet.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Stieners Turn:


    After watching the almost lifeless body of Tali fall to the floor like a rag doll stiener rushes to spirit "quickly you must help her she is about to die" stiener heads for the medical deck of the ship (if there is one) in the hopes to find med patches of something of use that might save Tali's life


  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    Tank still requires alot of healing and is still resting on the cold metal floor of the cargo bay which sends a shiver down his spine In his dark slumber tank dreams of reliving the daunting attack on the cargo bay this time tank is beaten back and is knocked to the ground alone out numbered and out gunned his impending doom awaits when a giant chicken appears from behind one of the boxes and picks him up and starts to crunch down on him

    "AAARRGGGHH" tank wakes up alone in the cargo bay to find his team mates gone off into the bowls of the stealth ship!

    "jeeez" says tank "i REALLY shouldnt have had that chicken before we left" and lies down again and continues to heal himself

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Spirit gushes forward to help her stricken commerade, with a small thought pinging about in her head that perhaps her help might not be appreciated if her patient was in a state to choose. Regardless, she kneels beside Tali, and applies her healing skills, gently stoking the life energies within her.
    After a moment, she sits back, face slightly flushed, all she can do now is wait to see if her efforts were successful.

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Game turn 18

    Team 1's turn:

    After a thorough sweep of the stealth ship from top to bottom you find no more surviving members of the darknight terrorists (im being easy on you) and you feel yourself being towed in by the sulako, thankfully the ship is on autopilot and will simply follow the sulako when the ship makes its re-entry into MORTS atmosphere. as you begin final approach you batten down the hatches (i always wanted to say that) and brace yourselfs for impact. you are informed of Tali's condition on the COMS channel so you keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer to what ever god you worship and your stormer and one of your brain wasters are still in a pretty bad way, as the ship re-enters the atmosphere the hull begins to catch fire in the searing heat caused by the friction of the ship thankfully the ships armour plating is holding on both ships as you make the successful entry all seems to going well........

    until ahead of you from the bridge you see the ship ahead of you loose control and begin to drop alitiude at a massive rate it seems the ship has lost control and is going to CRASH!!! this means it will bring your ship down with you!! the toe cable snaps under the pressure of the backward and forward frowing!! your ship plummets to the earth crashing nose first into a rock formation way out in the badlands!! to are picked up and tossed about like rag dolls sustaining small to light injuries during the crash land you all loose consiousness

    (tank thank god you've been healed earlier as that would have been the death of you) your stormer (when he wakes up) will be consious and able to move out

    you awaken with your ship down smashed to peices but your all alive
    and several miles from the other sulako it seems that you are closer to andrews airforce base (the rendvouz point) than the other ship they'll have to come this way eventually you hope!! but now remains weather or not to try to find them or sit tight you've herd mutant canibals roam the badlands thankfully there's about 4 or 5 hours of light left you imagine but the question is what to do next.......

    [end of turn]

    Team 2's game turn

    As the barely breathing body of Tali crashes to the deck Spirit runs to Tali's side and begins to heal Tali of her wounds spirits gentle fingers move accross her wounds years of intense training and dedication proves effictive as spirit patches up most of the serious wounds leaving Tali gasping for air on the deck on sooner have you made the successful entry into morts atmosphere when you hear the captian on the COMS link "this is your captian speaking we've lost the main engine on our port side were going to crash land about 25 miles off our intended destination im afriad you'll have to walk the rest of the way to andrews" a klaxon sounds "ALL HANDS BRACE FOR IMPACT" there is a loud creaking noise from outside the ship as you watch in horror as the tow cable that is attached to the stealth ship breaks loose as the now free stealth ship hurtles to the ground and crash lands into a large rock formation the coms channel is just static for the time being the others will probably have to get outside the ship before they can COMS you!!

    as your own ship clips the top of a high hill and spins off into a dune or a mound of earth half the ship is buried in the hillside your ship is down smashed to peices but your all alive and several miles from the stealth ship it seems that you are closer to the ship than andrews airforce base (the rendvouz point) but now remains the question weather or not to try to find them or head to andrews airforce base you've herd mutant canibals roam the badlands thankfully there's about 4 or 5 hours of light left you imagine but the question is what to do next.......

    [End of Turn]

    ALmost over guys one maybe two more turns left your almost there!!

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    Squall awakes to the sound of creaking metal and minor explosions as the myriad of gas tanks rupture and cannon rounds explode in 4000 degree flames.

    An acrid black smoke fills the air stinging his eyes and burning his sensitive Shaktarian nose. Groaning with the effort squall rises to his feet and finds himself standing on what was once the portside bulkhead. Looking around at the sparking consoles and wrenching metal, "So much for our new ship"

    He sees Gaunt lying on the decking bleeding but still breathing. He picks him up and slings him over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Come my friend, we cant stay here and suffocate"

    Finding the nearest exit he heads out of the ship, puts gaunt down and coms the others
    > Coms channel

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    tanks wakes to the noise of klaxons and the hissing of steam in the cargo bay, trapped under some crates tank pushes them aside and shakes his head. vision still blurred and seeing stars he hauls himself to an upright position to see what the hell is going on memories of past nightmares gone.

    the cargo bay is a scene of carnage totally destroyed "what the hell happened here" tank mutters to himself "were we hit by missle fire?" tanks COMS appear to be out of order with extreme effort tank pulls himself upright ribs still aching as the wounded and broken ribs begin to knit back together as tanks regeneration kicks into high gear. "Zmek you in here???" tank shouts "is anyone left alive?" taking the time to briefly look around tank cannot find zmek anywhere he must have left the cargo bay before we crashed. on finding the starwell blocked by debris and rubble tank looks to find the only other way out of the ship the cargo ramp tank exits the stealth ship via the cargo ramp and as his feet hit dirt tank thanks karma that he's still alive. on hearing Squalls coms (see COMS channel) tank makes his way over to squalls position using a large metal rod from the debirs as a crutch to walk on.

    as soon as tank is outside the ship his COMS system appears to function again tank COMS squall (see COMS thread) "must be the ship stopped our COMS signal while we were inside" he mutters

    "squall what the hell is going on where are we?" asks tank as he's been unconsious for quite some time

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek had just passed through the automatic doors onto the bridge when the message from the Sulako came through informing them that they were going in for a crash landing.

    He had always been more than a little cynical about the term crash landing. Landing was easy, just switch off the engines and wait...but he didn't like it when the word crash was used to describe a phase of a flight he was on.

    The bridge probably wasn't the safest place to be and the yawning chasm of space visible on the large external viewing screen gave him vertigo. Before any of the others had seen him enter he backed quickly through the doors into the corridor again.

    Hmm. This was no safer place to be. Stay away from the cargo bay in the ship's underbelly, that was risky too. Keep clear of the engine rooms....stepping up to a small ship's layout map mounted in the wall adjacent the main elevator Zmek traced his finger along a few corridors to identify a place near the heart of the ship, in a place he judged strong enough to survive a landing and stable enough to protect him in the event of a hull breach.

    Retracing the route he had identified on the map he pressed his palm on the door release mechanism of his intended destination and stepped inside. "What a way to go..." he said to himself sardonically looking around the sanitation area at the lavatorys, shining metal wash basins and shower cubicles.

    There was a mirror on the wall to one side. He walked over and staired at himself, his mirror shades making an infinitly shrinking progression of reflections of his own face looking back at him. His skin looked paler than he recalled, there was some blood on his face.

    Slowly he stretched out a hand to touch fingertip to fingertip with his mirror self and imagined the mirror as the surface of a rain pool on Mort. The memory of an alleyway flashed briefly in his mind's eye. A human pinned through the throat spewed blood and bile over him in its final moments. After the deed was done he had stooped over a pool of rainwater to wash the stinking mess from his hands and face. The moment returned to him now.

    The pulsing sound in his ears called him back to the present as a klaxon sounded and he felt the ship yaw beneath him...something was wrong with the decent.

    Moving away from the mirror, he glanced around and spotted what he had been looking for. One of the ship's main support bulkheads passed through this compartment, the strongest part of the vessel. Ducking under a cupboard that jutted from the wall he tucked in his knees and waited to see what would happen.

    Moment after long moment passed, the deck bouncing beneath him until at last it felt to him like somewhere automatic systems were kicking in, desperately trying to slow an unstoppable decent.

    Without warning he was flung across the room, slamming into a hard steel surface and bouncing off to slide once again across the floor and wrap himself around another now shapeless piece of furniture. Surprised at first it took a moment before he found the concentration to stabilise himself, using his ebon powers to fix his position and avoid debris the flew about him.

    The ship continued to move although the groaning, wrenching sounds that resounded through the hull told a tale of heavy impact into what could only be the surface of Mort.

    Water and steam pipes burst everywhere and a torrent of jets quickly turned the compartment into a treacherous water park, pools and shoots of water gathering everywhere. How ironic, thought Zmek. Survive the crash of an unpiloted space craft from orbit and then drown in the toilet.

    At last the ship foundered against some obstacle and came to a rest. Immediately Zmek darted across the floor to the doors, kicking at the jammed mechanism until they opened enough for him to escape.

    Static crackled on the comms link but no voices came through.

    Recalling the map of the ship from near the elevator Zmek decided his quickest exit route would be back out through the cargo bay and headed as best as he could remember in that direction. Some emergency lighting continued to work, dimly, elsewhere his way plunged into darkness, debris and tossed furniture blocking his way and turning the functional areas of the terrorist ship into a crazy obstacle course.

    He wondered where the ship had landed as he went. And what about the Sulako? If he was the only one left alive would Tali and the others aboard the other ship even bother coming to look for him? Probably not he thought bitterly.

    A light ahead didn't look artificial and he thoight there was the sound of a voice hidden amongst the hiss of the comm channel.

    The cargo bay was almost recognisable although much messier than he remembered....and also there was no stormer lying in the middle of the floor...but then the body could have been thrown anywhere during the decent....

    Daylight flooded in through the ruptured bay door and specks of dust hung in the light that cut a triangular swathe across the darkness that filled that half of the cargo area.

    Pulling himself through the gap he say movement outside, recognisable as the shambling, stumbling figure of a stormer, limping out of the wreckage ahead of him.

    "So" Zmek said "it appears I am not the only survivor".

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    this is for team 2 (in the sulako)

    The wreakage of the sulako is spread out for miles and miles around you little pools of fuel cells burn brightly with craters and a large trench dug into the ground when the sulako crashed into the earth you can follow it back for half a mile as you leave what remains of the sulako's cargo bay behind you, before you on the ground are the lifeless bodies of all the sulako's crew (well bits of them anyway) and the human stiener and the wraith raider byuu they must have been thrown clear of the ship when it crashed byuu's neck appears to be broken and the humans chest is not moving at all both are cold to the touch it seems they are dead,

    Miracluosly 3 of the science crew have survived one of which is Dr Raynes he bows his head momentarily in silent respect and then turns to the 2 remaining survuving Sla operatives a brain waster and an ebon (the odd couple) "well how are you going to get us to andrews airforce base then?" asks rayens

    well well well that leaves a brain waster and an ebon all alone in a hostile land with no where to go time wasting as darkness approaches fast you'll have to work together to herd the sheep....i mean science crew over to andrews with the package (which is in the cargo bay unharmed)

    what will you ever do next???

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  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'Einea is still a lil dazed. She stares at
    Dr Rayne, did he really expect her hold his hand back to the airbase ?

    she pulls out her FEN , cocks it and points it at Raynes forehead. " So tell me why we NEED you Doc ?, we were contracted to get the package back to Mort safe and sound not you . " She lets his sweat a lil then turns on her heel to go get the package.

    She can feel it singing in the flux feild arround her. Once she retrives it , she aims the FEN at the feet of the lab rat to the left of Raynes. she aims just a lil to the left and fires a round into the dirt. " Lets be moving along there Gents. "

    She turns to Spirit, " I'm pretty Fluxed out, how about you shine ur pretty lil Flux light from you lil finger up into the sky,"

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Raynes looks dumbfounded at the dirt for a moment and allowed the fear to subside "well actually you were contracted to take both the package and the science crew to andrews and since im the one thats paying you not SLA ind you'd better make sure i survive" noting the rage in Tali's eyes raynes keeps quiet and says no more turning to the other scientests the make the package ready for safe transport and are only now waiting for both spirit and Tali to give the others to move out

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    Tali'einea Looks at Raynes "I have had a bit of a day incase you have not noticed and right now who is to say how many of you are alive and who may suddenly Crack after what they have been to and have to be put down a mercy killing so to speak. Hewmans are so fragile like that , oh what was that term the gave me the giggles; post tramatic stress syndrome.

    Tell me Doc , did you find wht has happen", Tali waves her FEN in the direction of the debries " Tramatic in anyway hmmmmmmmmmmmmm? "

    Tali's comm crackle to life and she walks from the Doc and in the direction to where the base is.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    Gaunt sprawls on the ground, his piece said, and waits for the decision to be made. "Why didn't I become and accountant like pop said."

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Team 1:

    Squall / Tank / Zmek / Gaunt

    Team 2:

    and 3 science crew

    Game turn 19

    Team 1's game turn:

    Your team sets out accross the wasteland towards the sulako's last known position, everything as far as the eye can see is stark and bleak the land stinks of death. Charred rock and dead burnt out trees limbs twisted at strange angles mixed in with the odd pool of toxic waste are the only sights on your little tour of the badlands. A cold wind cuts through you chilling you to the bone as it starts to rain again a constent down pour limiting your vision to a few hundred yards, you have been walking for what seems like hours as the light is fading fast you estimate that you have about an hour of sunlight left you enter the flatbed of a small dried up ravine following its twisting winding path as it is giving you alot of shelter from the pounding rain.

    About half way along the ravine you enter a large dried up area that could at one point been a lake now the only thing that remains is a small pool of green sluge at the center of the large opening with a few small mutated creatures feeding there is a small alcove that could be a cave stretching back into darkness to your left. Suddenly tank's montion tracker bleeps into life its hard to get an accurate reading as the electromagnetic feild generated in the badlands plays havok with electrical systems the signals appears to be 30M somewhere ahead of you and closing in........

    [End of Turn]

    - - - - - - - - -

    Team 2's Turn

    Dr Raynes manages to assemble his team and collect the package as the 5 of you leave the wrekage of the sulako behind and head in the direction of the other crash site you know where it is as you can see the huge spiralling colum of black smoke way off in the distance a though dawns on you that your ship is also eminating a rather large colum of black smoke of its own and its probably visiable for many miles around. the science crew have will carry the package in a crude makeshift streacher that they have created, trying to use as much cover as possible your team sets out at double pace along the many dunes and rubble trying to avoid the sticky pools of brown goop that little the landscape

    you are travelling for several hours when suddenly it begins to rain quiet heavily in fact so much so that you can no longer safely move at the great speed that you were traveling at with no sign of the other team and COMS them only results in static you get the feeling your being followed but by what and whom you dont know as there are no visable signs of persuit from any direction you approcah a steep bank and from over the ridge you hear garbled voices and movment somethings on the other side of the ridge and it sounds like they know your coming........

    [End of Turn]

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    *Hearing the bleep of the motion sensor Squalls shaktar hunting instincts takeover. Looking around he searches for the nearest bit of cover and looks for a way to flank the approaching signals*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    The sudden bleep of a motion sensor was almost to be expected, it was unlikely that their position would remain a secret for long and the curious or maliscious inhabitants of this wasteland were sure to investigate the newly arrived intruders.

    Zmek instinctively drops to one knee and raises his assault rifle, scanning the way ahead for any sign of movement.

    At the same time he looks for cover, spotting a small alcove in the wall of the ravine and gauging its distance. A few preliminary calculations made, he will reality fold into cover at the first sight of an enemy ahead in an effort to out flank them....and remove himself from the firing line.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Spirit hussles the team carrying the package into a semblence of cover, trying to listen to see can she ascertain what kind of creatures might be on the other side. She tries to keep them together to avoid any of the team deciding to run away, foolish though that might be.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    Gaunt crouches and makes a dash for the side of the ravine where he dives behind an out crop and tries to crawl to the top of the bank without breaking cover and before whatever it is ahead moves into view. Hopefully those ahead will also be in the ravine where his height will put them at a disadvantage.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    moving swiftly to flank squall tank lies prone on the ground trying to stay in as much cover as possible tank coms squall (see COMS channel) and readies his shotgun unfortunatly the shotgun is not very good at long range so tank knows he must rely on the rest of the squads ability to shoot as he can only try to mop up what ever gets past gaunt and zmek

    tank is still not fully healed from the raid on the stealth ship as old wounds sting at the though of the battle. releasing the saftey tank mutters under his breath "here piggy piggy piggy"

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    teams are as they were in the previous game turn

    Team 2's game turn

    As you slowly and cautiously begin your ascent of the muddy ridge what ever light that is left in the day dwindles and finally darkness shrouds the land you top the ridge which looks into a rather large open area its rather deep from what you can gather at one point a rather large lake could have once stood here there is nothing around you that you can see close at hand. way off in the distance at the far end of the dried lake you can see shapes moving there taking up what you can barely make out as a defencive positions around a large rock formation and are turned facing away from you, you COM's channel fizzels into and out of action as you hear the words:

    if **** **** at us in large ******* the only ***** suggestion ****** would be to make a bolt for the cave **************, ****** has ******* if it leads ********* to our deaths im aware ** that *********** its a smaller ******* defend ** things get nasty ******. zmek *********be able to seal the entrance with explosives

    [End of Turn]

    - - - - - - - - -

    Team 1's turn

    The mintues slowly tick by as you watch gaunt edge his way slowly up the bank trying not to be noticed as you top the ridge you can see at least 20 dark shapes lumbering around like mindless zmobies there not really approaching your position they seem to be walking around the place until the realization hits you there forming a search pattern by your guess you have about another 9 mins before they reach your position thats enough time to make a run for it or do a surprize attack you can hear one of them mutter something into a crude looking device (a beat up old walkie talkie by the looks of it) which means there could be more of them even now down in the LAKE!!! as you climb back down the hill to make your report you think you see shapes moving down from the far ridge into the open though its raining quite hard one of them has a searchlight you think if its team 2 the mutants on the other side of the ridge will see that spot light for sure!!!

    [end of turn]

    - - - - - - - - -

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    tank crawls over to zmeks position trying to stay in as much cover as possible taking up a defensive position beside zmek and waits for his signal to move out "hmmm where oh where to plant the bombs what say we strap one on the science crew and use them as human bombs!!" tank laughs shaking his head then recognizing that glint in zmeks eye says "i was only kiddin zmek, we cant do that to the humans we'd never get paid"

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 43,045 ✭✭✭✭Nevyn

    TAli'Einea truns to Spririt, " Thanks for the light Dear but i really dont think we need it anymore, dont want those muties thinking is is a welcome beacon. Unless you WANT to go have a chat with them and see if you can reason with them ?"

    She peers across the muds and mire,
    the comms Still on the blink so she will have to use antoher way of getting in touch.

    She Turns to Raynes " I dont see any of you lot bleeding so reckon ye maybe up for a quick sprint if needs be, for i dont fancy teleporting while hugging that thing again. " She nods towards the package.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 914 ✭✭✭Specky

    Zmek starts to assemble the various charges and detonators remaining in his utility belt, lining them out along the twisted tree root behind which he and Tank are now hidden.

    "This whole mission is becoming quite tiresome Stormer, big mouthed humans claiming to be sharpshooters, treacherous wraith raiders coming and going, bothersome ebons getting in the way, mysterious ebb manupulating packages to carry, Darknight terrorists popping up without warning, space stations exploding, transports crashing..." he sighs and pauses for a moment "and now a swarm of mutants trying to track us down. I wonder really if anything more could have gone wrong. It has to be something to do with having a Shaktar as squad leader."

    Without waiting for any reaction to his comment he slips out from behind the tree.

    "I'm going to plant a small charge on the ridge line, then the rest in the ravine itself so as to concentrate the blast. We need to attract their attention, I'll hit them with a flux blast then slip back in here. Once they come over the ridge we should take down as many as possible with gunfire until it looks like we may be over-run then I'll detonate the charge. Then we need to fall back further down the ravine and hope that they follow us. Once their main force is in...."

    "I have a few flashbangs left, we can disorient any straggling parties and pick them off later...but let's not get ahead of ourselves."

    Zmek sets up charges with radio detonators as he described and checks both his FEN and assault rifle for ammunition.

    He finds a suitable position on the ridge from where he can see out over the enemy positions and hides his assault rifle to save carrying it on his next little excursion.

    Using all his powers of stealth he slowly makes his way out towards teh enemy, getting as close as he can to them without risking being spotted.

    He looks about him. There isn't much to be seen anymore, it's dark and relatively quiet with just a few shuffling mumbling sounds coming from the enemy.

    He takes a deep breath, smelling the acrid badland air in his lungs...he never could stand the countryside...then slowly stands, drawing himself up to his full height, letting the flux flow over and through him, attuning his senses to the everpresent eddy of power all around him.

    Figures and symbols tumbled through his mind as the practiced calculations fell into place like the tumblers of some great galactic lock, unleashing the torrent of power in an exhillerating burst for him to wield.

    He didn't know if the mutants had any warning, all he knew was the tormented fire that was his to hold. His to wield and with it his to destroy.

    Die mutant scum!

    After Zmek unleashes his blast at the main group of mutants he will fall back to the position he left his assault rifle, from where he will direct fire at any pursuers and draw them towards the ravine. He will then jump back into the ravine and head for the original hiding place, waiting for the mutants to come over the ridge. He will then shoot as many as possible before detonating the charge on the ridge.

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,345 ✭✭✭Squall

    *To himself* "That waister has altered the plan again, ahhhh, this will do"

    "Gaunt, Get into cover. We need to draw those through the ravine and over the ridge and into the blast point. LAy down supressing fire and pave their way"

    *Moving off Squall finds cover near a gnarled blackened tree, From his vantage he has a good view of the ridge and ravine*

    *Loading his shotgun he chooses solid slugs so he can gain a bit more distance and loads his FEN pistol with HP rounds which should make short work of the unarmored mutants*

    *His preperation over Squall settles in and waits, watching the ridgeline and ravine for movement while Zmek does his work*

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 51 ✭✭Gaunt

    Gaunt slid down the scree at the bank and crouched behind a waist high boulder. Once there he loaded his uzis with hp ammunition reasoning these muties were unlikely to have much in the way of body armour.
    Once finished he kept his head down to conceal his position and waited for the trap to be sprung.

  • Closed Accounts Posts: 148 ✭✭tank

    i dont know about you zmek but i owe my life serval times over to the shaktar you can think what you want about the mission and our leader but in my opinion this was a doomed mission to begin with call it fate call it devine intervention but no matter who lead us things one way or another would have worked out the same
    im impressed that squall's managed to get us this far without us getting us killed i dont think i could have done it im no leader i can tell you now anyway good luck out there old boy i'll be here with old yeller *pats shotgun* when you return with the muties on your tail

    tank watches as zmek diseapears into the night a silent ghost like assisan on his way tank loads his shotgun with solid slug rounds as to not hit zmek on his return and loads his FEN pistol with HP ammo.

    tank settles down into the mud on one knee shotgun at the ready crouching behind a small boulder tank picks up some mud in his clawed hand and thinks to himself if i am to die here now in this place then so be it tank smudges the mud in two lines accross his face and chest plate of his body armour a crude war paint for a crude battle.........

    so it begins

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 1,531 ✭✭✭Drakar

    Spirit nodded to Tali disabling her flux usage which they were using to signal the other team. The nearby activity made her feel nervous, and she had to battle to prevent her inner being reaching out for the cooling power of the flux again.

    "No point dressin up we don't know where we're going", she concluded waiting to see how the rest of the team were going to play it. Not one to go charging needlessly into the heat of battle was Spirit.

    There would need to be a plan. Then again, 'run' was a plan, and so was 'lets get the b**ps' (Spirit's the kinda girl who censors her 'beeps').

  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    Game turn [erm 21 i think]

    same teams again

    Part 1:
    - - - - - -
    Team 2's game turn

    as cant see much from your position you are hovering at the back of the ravine in a rather nice alcove your whole team including the package and science crew are well hidden you watch and wait for the games to begin

    [End of part 1]

    - - - - - -
    Team 1

    Squall, gaunt and tank can see the small dark shape of zmek slowly work his was across the
    muddy floor of the ravine as he dodges in and out between boulders you loose sight of him scrambling up the ridge. As the mussels tense in your body you begin what your team has done time and time again.... you wait.... the calm before the storm.

    [For Zmek]

    You clamber up the side of the ravine mud sticking to your boots making a sluuurp sound every time you try to take a step you think to yourself it will be difficult to move quietly once you near the enemy. as you begin to plant your first bomb a thin smile crosses your lips as a splash of rain hits your nose followed by a loud BOOM!! the sound of thunder rolls across the plains, so much for worrying about moving quietly you think in this thunder they'll be lucky to even hear the explosions!! you finish planting the explosions without incident you creep slowly and silently towards the enemy position as you begin to channel ebb the mutants seem to get a little more agitated though they don't seem to realize what's going on, another loud BOOM reverberates through the small area that you are occupying on top of the ridge and as Zmek begins to stand up a FLASH of lightning streaks across the skyline the mutants are taken totally by surprise as zmek's shape can be seen during the flash of light rising slowly from the ground as the area around is lit up for a split second like something from a horror movie a half twisted snarl is uttered from zmeks lips as the formulae is completed a 5M radius in front of zmek explodes in fire hurling mud, water and the odd mutant up into the air as zmek retreats you can see three burning bodies hit the ground with a thump you grab your gun and fall back as the sounds of pursuit are getting louder you top the ridge and slide down all the way to the bottom as take up a position beside tank who appears to have smudged his face and armour in mud makes him look like a stone age caveman ready for battle

    [Squall, gaunt and tank]

    The minutes pass and there is still no sign of zmek. A though crosses your mind that perhaps he was caught by the mutants is now being tortured he might reveal your location and the plan of attack! a few more minutes pass as the raindrops fall faster now a BOOM echoes throughout the ravine the sound of thunder rolls around the ravine intensifying the sound of the thunder like an amp. after a few more moments there is a small flash of lighting and then a noise that sounded like thunder the ground shook a little you assumed that lighting must have hit the ground some way off until you see zmek run and leap from the top of the ridge sliding all the way down to the bottom of the ridge and then take up a position beside tank within a moment you hear the roar of a mob as over 30 mutants pour over the top of the ravine and start to run down the muddy banks towards your position, the 4 of you open fire hitting several mutants which cause them to loose balance and fall down the ridge.
    more and more mutants pour over the top of the ridge and just at the first wave of mutants reaches your front line Zmek hits the remote detonator (if there's a particular witty remark you want to make Zmek before hitting the remote trigger say it in the COMS channel i'll give you bonus Exp if its good enough) the world goes white.......

    [End of part 1]

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  • Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 2,236 ✭✭✭AL][EN

    game turn 21 Part 2

    Team 2

    you are still sitting pretty in your alcove as you see a mass of bodies stream over the top of the ridge unfortunately your sniper died in the crash and you didn't think to strip them of there sniper rifle as taking pot shots from this alcove would have been a good idea. you can see team one starting to open fire on the mass mob starting to swarm down the ridge towards the team. you think to yourself god its going to be a massacre with that you think you hear zmek say something on the COMS channel and there is a bright burst of light followed by sounds of an explosion so loud your ears start ringing after the noise finally dies away!!
    you feel the shock wave from where your hiding in your alcove as the ridge collapses in on itself which starts a mud slide down the ridge the mass of bodies are all swept up and flung about after the commotion dies down you can not see the team from where you are there possibly covered under the mob or were thrown about the place too. there are however still some mutants (possibly 4 or 5 at the most) however there lying on the ground stunned at the foot of the mud slide you think to yourself "now is my chance to get out of here" that blast may have killed most of this wave of mutants however there will be more coming to see what the noise was!! you believe you could get the survivors of team 1 together and be on the way
    to Andrews before the other mutants get here but the question is how to find team 1 and where to start looking.......

    [end of turn]

    Team 1

    as the world goes white................. (again)
    you pick yourselves up from the aftermath of zmeks little symphony of destruction
    there are still 4 maybe 5 mutants stunned on the ground its going to take them a few turns to get back up well if the ship didn't catch anyone's attention then the explosion SURE did.
    you look around and see the rest of your squad mates all alive and well there all in some stage of picking themselves up off the muddy floor. you can see team 2 emerging from an alcove at the back of the ravine but they dont seem to have seen you yet. whats left of the ridge is little more than a large messy mound of earth, the steep ridge has been replaced with a rather long slope that seems to have been carved into the wall (think strip mining a cliff wall with TNT)

    now to gather your things and get the hell out of dodge before you have every mutant within 50 miles baring down on your position!!

    [end of turn]

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